Reference no: EM133172837
BSBMGT402 Implement operational plan
Q1: Research the following problem solving theories.
1. Edward DeBono's six thinking hats
2. The seven step process
3. The five step process
4. Critical thinking techniques
Q2:What is a KPI and how should they be written?
Q3:Who should write KPIs, why?
Q4: Who should decide what coaching an employee needs, why?
Q5:Who is responsible for recruitment in an organisation?
Q6: Are they always the best people to do this, why, why not?
Q7: What is the difference between a mentor and a coach?
Q8: Who should a manager consult with before beginning any major changes in a workplace?
Q9: What steps should be taken by an organisation before they purchase new assets?
Q10: What can management do to identify and correct unsatisfactory performance by staff members?
Q11: Who is responsible for ensuring an operational plan is completed within the correct timeframe and with the desired result?
Q12: What steps can be taken to correct an operational plan that has been hit by an unforeseen problem?
Q13: Why is it necessary to always be aware of your budget position when making any decision regarding an operational plan?
Q14: At a minimum who should be consulted before changing an operational plan?