Reference no: EM131476678
Question: Security Awareness Training and Ethics
You are the information technology senior analyst at your company, or at a company you are familiar with. Your CIO meets with you and assigns you the following tasks, to be assembled in a written report to the CIO:
• Develop a plan for security awareness training. Ensure the training is comprehensive enough for all job functions from an IT perspective versus business view.
• The design of a code of ethics related to the IT profession to be applied at the company.
Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:
- This CT is a case study, which need more actions in real life .. No need for many definition or types. Please read the question carefully
- Be 8 pages in length, not including the title, Abstract, Conclusion and reference pages.
- Include 5 external references in addition to the textbook.
- Your paper must follow APA style guidelines, citing references as appropriate.
- You are strongly encouraged to submit all assignments to the Turnitin Originality Check prior to submitting them to your instructor for grading.