What is the definition of determinism

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Reference no: EM13169155

For this paper, you will write a dialogue between you and an imaginary Socrates. You will debate the question of free will versus determinism. Remember that the Socratic Method involves asking a series of questions to clarify key words and ideas. In your dialogue, the imaginary Socrates should be asking clarifying questions, and you will be answering them. Please refer to the excerpt from Plato’s Meno as an example (below). This paper should be 4–6 pages.

Your dialogue should address the following questions:

What is the definition of determinism?
What is the definition of free will?
Do you agree that every event has an explanatory cause?
How do you define event?
How do you define explanatory cause?
Do you agree that every human choice or event has an explanatory cause?
How do you define human choice? How do you definite human event? Are they different?
Do you agree that to have an explanatory cause is to not be free?
How do you define free?
Do you think that free will and determinism can coexist in any way?
Is it possible to have external determinism and internal free will?

Reference no: EM13169155

Questions Cloud

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