What is the defining characteristic of history

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Reference no: EM132122375

1. Company cafeterias, special office spaces, or unique furniture available to executives embodies which level of corporate culture?

A. Espoused values

B. Artifacts

C. Enacted values

D. Tacit underlying values

2. Globalization is:

A. an economic metamorphosis that started in England in the late 1700s.

B. the creation and maintenance of a disparate economic relationship between states.

C. the creation of networks of human interaction that span worldwide distances.

D. a philosophy in which nations promote trade by easing tariff and non-tariff barriers.

3. All of the following statements are true about theories EXCEPT that:

A. they simplify and organize areas of knowledge.

B. they integrate entire fields of knowledge.

C. they are statements or visions that create insight.

D. they are important in every field.

4. During the Middle Ages, the Roman Catholic Church:

A. was intolerant of usury.

B. focused on the acquisition of wealth.

C. sought special status for the poor.

D. love of material things was not an act against God.

5. Marxism poses a revolutionary challenge to _____ society because it requires a change in property relationships that destroys bedrock arrangements.

A. communist

B. capitalist

C. anarchist

D. feudal

6. Which management doctrine emphasizes treating workers as interchangeable with machines?

A. Industrial Psychology

B. Populism

C. Markov Chains

D. Scientific Management

7. Mary Parker Follett comes from which school of political thought?

A. Populism

B. Socialism

C. Communism

D. Progressivism

8. What is the best definition of socialism?

A. A society where business, government, and society are merged

B. The general idea that government has a responsibility towards the people

C. A classless society where wealth is equally distributed

D. A doctrine designed to placate the masses

9. According to Marx, what is the defining characteristic of history?

A. Class struggle

B. Industrialization

C. Poverty

D. Agriculture

10. The printing press is an example of which part of the environment?

A. Internal Environment

B. Religious Environment

C. External Environment

D. Deep Historical Forces

11. Which of the following best describes a socialist government?

A. A single party system

B. A governmental system that rewards individual effort

C. A system fundamentally in conflict with capitalism

D. Capitalism with a conscience

12. What is one of the key assumptions of the models presented in the book?

A. Business dominates

B. All individuals participate in organizational life

C. There are businesses, governments, and societies

D. B and C

13. Which of the following is true of all four ethical ontologies presented in the Stout article?

A. They describe power relationships

B. They assume ethics exist independent of humanity’s ability to recognize them

C. They all assume humanity is embodied and divine

D. They privilege relationality

14. What is one of the major flaws of republicanism theory described in the Stout article?

A. It assumes that early Americans were uniform in understanding of Anglo-Saxon culture, divinity, and patriotism

B. It does not attribute any power to the Democratic Party

C. It does not acknowledge federalism

D. It does not include the writings of Thomas Jefferson

15. Toby Jones’ behavior is an example of which theory?

A. Populism

B. Progressivism

C. Ethical Universalism

D. Theory of Amorality

16. What is one of the major flaws of the protestant ethic/ protestant work ethic?

A. It neglects the contributions of other faiths to western culture

B. It was only applicable to the Prussian mentality

C. It is outdated since Max Weber’s time

D. It attributes success of some group to their faith instead of their cultural traditions and institutions

17. Which of the following is not an example of the Dominance Model in practice?

A. Apple forces consumers to buy their products

B. Nike using sweatshop labor

C. Martha Stewart benefitting from insider trading

D. The bourgeoisie robbing the proletariat

18. Pluralism generally works best with which model or ontology?

A. The undifferentiated relational ontology

B. Countervailing forces model

C. Dominance Model

D. The undifferentiated individual ontology

19. Why should managers care about business ethics?

A. It is a great resume builder

B. It contributes to the strength of the bureaucracy

C. There are real economic consequences for ignoring government and society

D. It makes people feel good about themselves

20. Motivational Posters are an example of which level of corporate culture?

A. Espoused values

B. Implicit values

C. A and B

D. None of the above

21. What does the large “O” mean in Stout’s ontologies?

A. A more important “O”

B. An individual norm

C. A metaphysical source

D. A source of theories

Reference no: EM132122375

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