What is the customer value proposition for amazon hq2

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131671564

• Please read the below article

• Answer the following questions in no more than 1 ½ pages and submit in the dropbox in Moodle

• Use any outside material you want.

• Please be sure to cite any references APA style

1) What is the 'customer value' proposition for Amazon HQ2?

2) Why is strategy important for Amazon?

3) What strategy would you advise for Amazon for Amazon HQ2?

4) Refer to Figure 1.1 (Identifying a Company's Strategy-What to Look For) - What is unique to Amazon HQ2

5) What is the winning sustainable competitive advantage for Amazon with regards to the Amazon HQ2?

Attachment:- Forum - Amazon.rar

Reference no: EM131671564

Questions Cloud

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What is the customer value proposition for amazon hq2 : What is the 'customer value' proposition for Amazon HQ2?Why is strategy important for Amazon?
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