What is the current state of motivation for employees

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131150385


This assignment provides you with an opportunity to explain the dynamics of teamwork, including motivation, conflict resolution, and leadership.

First, read the scenario below.

Scenario: The vice president (VP) of marketing has hired you as the leader whose first task involves implementing a new process for applying customer service within the organization. The VP shares that the purpose of this initiative is to help resolve a list of issues that are negatively infecting teamwork:

(1) morale is low,
(2) employees are consistently late for work while others leave early, (
(3) workers disagree on the daily workload,
(4) there is no drive or enthusiasm, and
(5) above all, two employees have complained about harassment.

Your team consists of eight employees: three are newly hired employees, five employees are male and three are female. Each employee has a diverse background. Your charge is to reach the goal of improving customer service by directing the team through the five stages of team development.

After reading the scenario, write a minimum FOUR -page paper by using the following questions as guidelines:

1. Motivation: What is the current state of motivation for employees, and what can you do to improve their motivation?

2. Leadership: What can leadership personnel do to positively impact teamwork that eventually leads to better customer service?

3. Resolving conflict: How can the employees approach resolving conflicts with one another in order to maintain a positive teamwork dynamic?

4. Resolving conflict: How can the employees approach resolving conflicts with customers?

5. Teamwork: What types of activities would help the team progress through the five stages of team development. Five stages:

· Forming Stage: individuals are getting to know and form initial opinions about team members. Assumptions are based on first impressions.

Sometimes these impressions are right; other times, they are wrong.

· Storming Stage (Stage two): Some members begin to have conflict with each other.
· Norming Stage: When team members accept other members for who they are (i.e., overcome the conflict).
· Performing Stage: Where they begin working on the task
· Adjourning Stage: brings closure to the project. The team has completed the task.

Also, be sure your paper fulfills the following requirements:

· The body of the paper consists of at least four pages (not including the title page or reference page).

· Properly cite the journal article that is attached to the homework assignment.

· Properly cite two references (e.g., article, webpage) that you located from reputable sources (e.g., reputable articles or webpages).

Article: How do leadership motives affect informal and formal leadership emergence? by GIL LURIA1† AND YAIR BERSON2*,†1 Faculty of Welfare and Health Sciences, Department of Human Services, University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel2 Department of Psychology, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israe

Reference no: EM131150385

Questions Cloud

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What is the current state of motivation for employees : What is the current state of motivation for employees, and what can you do to improve their motivation? What can leadership personnel do to positively impact teamwork that eventually leads to better customer service?
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