Reference no: EM133809929
Describe and evaluate of the Ontario Campus Free Speech Policy announced in 2018. The assignment should describe the existing policy; identify, using Peter Hall's framework, what you think the goals, instruments, and settings of the policy are; and evaluate whether you think the policy should change or remain the same.
After your introductory paragraph (which should contain a thesis statement) and before your concluding paragraph, your paper should be organized into three sections, in the following order:
- Briefly describe what the current Ontario policy is. This section should describe the main aspect of Ontario's policy, including the extent to which implementation has been effective. Details on the existing policy can be found in the links under the section.
- "Required Readings" . You should read each of these documents. Your description should draw primarily from these documents, and if you refer to them directly, you should cite them.
- Describe the policy in terms of its goals, instruments, and settings using Peter Hall's framework. Refer to the document "Hall - Economic Policymaking in Britain" in CourseLink, particularly p. 278, for a theoretical description of goals, instruments, and Sotise har ay tal is rument that arts frespech policy. What are the policy
Critically evaluate the Ontario policy and, if necessary, recommend policy change.
Either make a specific recommendation for policy change OR defend the current policy status quo. In either case, you should refer to the goals, instruments, and settings of the current policy. If you think the policy should change, you should identify which of the goals, instruments, and settings should change, and why they should change. If you think the policy should remain the same, you should explain why the current goals, instruments, and settings are adequate. This should be the longest section of your paper.
The required readings are listed beginning on p. 2 of this document and are available for download on CourseLink under "Short Paper (due Oct. 3)". You must also draw from at least three outside sources (see "Supplementary Readings" on p. 2) when describing and critically evaluating the policy. When making your argument, you should avoid political considerations (e.g., "I don't like Doug Ford") and instead focus exclusively on policy considerations for the issue at hand.
The purpose of this assignment is not to test your ability to conduct original academic research.
Instead, the purpose is to demonstrate your ability to read and describe a policy; to familiarize yourself with and apply Hall's goals / instruments / settings framework; to synthesize material in an organized manner; and to make an argument based on your evaluation of the existing policy.
Required readings are below
Ontario Campus Free Speech Policy announced in 2018
Government of Ontario, "Ontario Protecting Free Speech on Campuses," 2019
Government of Ontario, "Upholding Free Speech on Ontario's University and College Campuses,"
Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario, "Freedom of Speech," 2022.
Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario, "Freedom of Speech on Campus: 2019 Annual Report to the Ontario Government," 2019
Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario, "Freedom of Speech on Campus: Annual Report to the Ontario Government," 2020.
Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario, "Freedom of Speech on Campus: Annual Report to the Ontario Government," 2021.
Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario, "Freedom of Speech on Campus: Annual Report to the Ontario Government," 2022
University of Chicago, "Report of the Committee on Freedom of Expression," 2014.
Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario, "Freedom of Speech on Campus: Annual Report to the Ontario Government," 2023.
Peter Hall (1993) - Economic Policymaking in Britain