What is the current national legislation about cultivation

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133669860


Voluntary Assisted dying is an Issue.

I have chosen this issue because I have encountered this situation at work and want to learn more about it.

How can It be written as a reflective piece if the question is like this:

What is the issue you have chosen?

o Why have you chosen this particular issue? Why did this issue make an impact on you? Was it from the panel discussion, a personal or a student experience whilst on clinical placement?

o Why is discussion on this contemporary issue important or relevant right now?

o How does this issue make you feel i.e. are you confused about the topic, unsure of how you feel, angry about inequity?

o What did you know about your chosen issue previously? Does the issue you have chosen challenge your personal beliefs and values or assumptions?

o What do the Professional Standards of Nursing (NMBA, 2018) say about the role of nurses relating to your chosen issue?

o What ethical issues does your chosen topic bring up i.e. autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence or justice?

o What state or national legislation influences your chosen topic i.e. what is the current national legislation about cultivation and production of medicinal cannabis?

o Have your thoughts or feelings changed about the issue since commencing this subject, course, professional or personal experience?

o What have you learnt from the content so far and how will you use it in the remainder of the subject or in your professional development plan?

Reference no: EM133669860

Questions Cloud

Which sociological theory was most challenging for you : Which sociological theory was most challenging for you, either to understand or to consider as it might apply to a social problem?
Discuss electronic medication administration records : As we delve into the topic of eMAR (electronic medication administration records) and the scanner, I'd like to share my personal experience.
Do her symptoms suggest a serious diseases : What additional questions would you ask to learn more about her symptoms? Do her symptoms suggest a serious diseases?
Difference between counselling and interviewing : What do you think the difference between counselling and interviewing is. Could you please explain with further details and add an example if possible.
What is the current national legislation about cultivation : What is the current national legislation about cultivation and production of medicinal cannabis?
Explain how logical model can be used to evaluate program : Explain how a logical model can be used to evaluate a program targeting the social protection of girls in Africa, covering inputs,
What do you think is difference between social laws : What do you think is the difference between social laws that legally segregate people who are "technicolored" versus people who are "black and white,"
How important are social institutions for people : According to the Part VIII Social Institution introduction, how important are social institutions for people?
Describe an event and maintain hipaa : Describe an event and maintain HIPAA, the roles of the people involved, and how it was handled. There should be evidence of reflection and critical thinking.


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