Reference no: EM131489911
• The project need to be completed in group. (Maximum number of students for group is 5)
• The project need to be submitted as a written report with cover page and contents.
• The project need to be at least 1000 words minimum.
• Please submit the hard copy to the instructor.
• Total grades for the project is 15/100
1. Introduction to KSA economy and real estate market
a. Overview of Saudi real estate market
Key Indicators KSAKey indicators
Population in Million
Population between 16 to 64 year of age 66%
Area (Sq. Km)
Nominal GDP 2016 ($B)
GDP CAGR (2011 -2016)
Per capita Income (PPP) $
Average Inflation
Housing construction contribution to GDP (2016)
Housing sector contribution to employment (2016)
Housing investment needs
New Housing demand
Investment needed to meet the demand
Public sector investment in new housing units
Potential private sector investment in new housing units
b. What is the percentage of Saudi citizen's owning the house. How do you compare this percentage to global average and GCC country average?
c. What is the current housing units available in Saudi Arabia?
d. What are the key demand centers (cities) for housing?
e. What is the growth of current population is Saud Arabia.
f. Is the current development in real estate of single family house units' able meet the growing demand of the population?
g. What are the challenges in provision of affordable housing in KSA?
2. Demand Supply for Family housing
Use JLL Research or other sources to answer the following questions
a. Demand for single family housing
b. Identify housing demand river in Saudi Arabia
c. Estimate the consumer loans real estate financing in Saudi financial sector (2011 - 2016)
d. Supply for single family housing
e. Indicate the housing supply player in KSA
f. What are constrains on supply of affordable housing.
3. Real Estate Financing
1. What are the Conventional Financing products offered Saudi based local and international banks
2. What are the Islamic financing options and products offered Saudi based local Islamic banks.
3. What is average interest or profit rate requested by conventional and Islamic banks?