What is the cultures communication style like

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM133193479

Cross-Cultural Communication in Business Presentation

We have begun exploringdifferent cultures and how cultural differences affect communication.

Each teamis tasked with researching an assigned country or region and presenting their findings to the class.

Your presentation should be at least 10 minutes long and should answer the following points:

1. What is the culture's communication style like?

2. What is the culture's attitude toward conflict?

3. What is this culture's attitude towards working in groups and teams?

4. What cultural customs are different than the United States?

5. Considering all these factors, what do you need to know if you are treating a patient of the assigned nationality?

Develop a power point to accompany your presentation. Your PowerPoint should include at least six slides, have an appropriate background style and cover the following:

• Introduction to the Culture (include geographic location, language, dominant religion, Food, etc.)

• Body - Addressing questions 1 to 4 above.

• Conclusions - Question above.

• Print out PowerPoint (3 slides per page) and turn in on presentation day

Reference no: EM133193479

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