Reference no: EM133653268
Introduction: One of the frequent things we do in a medical office is help people find resources when their insurance coverage doesn't quite cover what they need. This happens frequently with drug costs. The Med Tip on page 76 of your book talks about the Donut Hole, which is essentially a coverage gap in Medicare's Part D Prescription Coverage. People who reach the "Donut Hole" must pay 100% of their drug costs until they reach the Catastrophic Stage. Sadly, people who find themselves in this "Gap," may stop taking their medications entirely, or they may take only half of their prescriptions, or manipulate their prescriptions in some other way to stretch them out. Thankfully, the Affordable Care Act closed this Gap in 2020. We will explore the Affordable Care Act in a future chapter, so consider this just a preview of one issue related to that.
Instructions: Please read the attached article, "What is the Coverage Gap?" and consider who is affected and ways people try to get their drugs while in the Gap.
1) Do you know anyone experiencing difficulties affording their prescription drugs? (If your initial answer is no, then talk to your parents, relatives or friends to find someone.) Consider that part of the research part of this question.
2) Do they use any of the strategies mentioned in the article to delay reaching the coverage gap?
3) Discuss these strategies and any others NOT mentioned in the article; specifically discuss things people do to save money on their prescription drugs. You may have a relative you can ask, or you may have personal experience with this issue. These ideas will be helpful to you as a healthcare professional, because MANY people need help with this.