Reference no: EM132797805
1. What is the "convict code"?
2. What role do gangs play in correctional facilities?
3. What is the inmate hierarchy?
4. How are sex offenders, sexual predators, and homosexuals treated in prison?
5. What were some of the differences between the male and female inmates/facilities?
6. How do officers reduce inmate violence?
7. What did you learn from this video that you did not know previously?
8. How did the video connect to some of the topics or concepts that we have discussed in class?
9. What was your reaction to the material presented in the video? Think of what reactions you had while you watched the video and write about those. Include answers to some of the questions below:
- Did the piece hold your interest? Why or why not?
- Did the piece bother or annoy you? why or why not?
- What personal reactions did you have to the video or the issue(s) itself?
- Were you surprised about anything presented in the video?