What is the consumer revolution in china today

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Reference no: EM131639183


They are anthropology questions about Culture and Political Economy in Contemporary China

1. What is the consumer revolution in China today? Discuss the general trend of changing consumption patterns in at least 3 areas (food, family expenditure, housing...). Evaluate the role of the state and danwei system in this process of change.

2. How are the new private residential communities managed today in comparison with the Maoist era? What is the focal point of conflicts in this arena? Evaluate the implications of homeowners' activism.

3. How do new consumption practices change the state-citizen relationship in China? Give two concrete examples.

4. Discuss the complex relationship between the Chinese state and the emerging Internet culture. Will the Internet eventually destabilize the Chinese state? Why?

Reference no: EM131639183

Questions Cloud

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What is the consumer revolution in china today : What is the consumer revolution in China today? Discuss the general trend of changing consumption patterns in at least 3 areas.
Describe major components of an effective statement of work : Describe the major components of an effective Statement of Work. Under what conditions are short term contacts preferable to long term contracts?
Discuss the fundamental actions : Discuss the fundamental actions that the leadership of the selected country is-or is not-taking to improve the living standards of its people.
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Prepare requirements for new information system : The company president asked you to prepare requirements for a new information system to support the combined company.


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