Reference no: EM132539101
Question 1: For John Dewey, what should we pay attention to if we want to understand the aesthetic value of a work of art, and how is that aesthetic value conveyed?
Question 2: For Dewey, what is the connection between "art" to everyday life?
Question 3: For Dewey, what is the value of "high art" or "fine art" compared with popular art?
Question 4: For Dewey, how is art related to the imagination?
Question 5: For Dewey, what makes something an act of "artistic expression?"
Question 6: For Dewey, what factors should be considered in trying to understand an art object?
Question 7: What does Achebe mean when he claims Africa is often thought of as a "foil" for Europe?
Question 8: For Achebe, how is the "humanity" of Africans portrayed in Heart of Darkness?
Question 9: For Achebe, why is Conrad's Heart of Darkness disqualified as "art?"