Reference no: EM131207375
Conduct research into your chosen topic and prepare a 4-5 pages paper. Additionally, you should include a bibliography which lists all source materials that you sorted through in conducting research on your topic.
a) What are the contending or conflicting views, perspectives, and issue positions in respect to your paper topic? Please elaborate.
b) Based on your research, what is your position on the issue area that you have selected? Explain why.
From any of these topics Pick 1 and answer these 2 questions 2½ page each
a) What are the contending or conflicting views, perspectives, and issue positions in respect to your paper topic? Please elaborate.
b) Based on your research, what is your position on the issue area that you have selected? Explain why.
1. Can the United Nations play a key role in helping to bring about a more peaceful and just world? Explain your position.
2. What does "democracy mean? Please relate the various variants of "democracy" that are put forth by various adherents as illustrative of "democracy"?
3. What is the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians about? What role has the United States played in the creation of this seemly intractable problem and what role does the United States continue to play?
4. Constitutionally speaking, what does "freedom" mean in America? Cite relevant Federalist papers or parts of the U.S. Constitution to make clear and validate your perspective.
5. Compare and contrast the federal legislative-executive process in public policy-making with the California legislative-executive process in public policy-making.
6. Are there any barriers that prevent the American political system from being a more participatory democracy? Please elaborate.
7. Reflect on the politics of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. Why was the federal emergency relief effort so grossly sluggish and inadequate?
8. Reflect on the role of mass media in the United States as it impacts the political process and American mass public opinion. Draw implications on the attainment of greater or lesser democracy in the American political system.
9. What were/are the causes of the recent slew of foreclosures in the housing market? Does the evidence indicate that this crisis was staged by certain interested parties? Explain and elaborate.
10. Examine unemployment by sectors in the American labor market? What are the causes? Are jobs simply "disappearing" or are they being intentionally exported elsewhere, i.e., out of the country? Who is responsible for causing jobs in America to "disappear"? What can be done or what are the solutions?
11. Why has the Obama Administration faced an almost monolithic Republican opposition to its major policy initiatives? What are the reasons for the lack of bipartisanship in forging effective public policies for the American people as a whole? What can be done to stop the political obstructionists in Congress from stalling Congress from carrying out its mandate to tend to the nation's business?
12. What should U.S. policy be towards the ISIS movement in Iraq in particular and towards ISIS in the Middle East (especially in Syria) in general? Who exactly is ISIS and what interests does ISIS represent?
13. Why did the U.S. invade Afghanistan and why has the U.S. occupation of this country lasted so long? What are the main U.S. policy goals in Afghanistan?