What is the complement of set 2 in set 1

Assignment Help Algebra
Reference no: EM131028132

1. Please provide a short definition of the following:

a. Set

b. Subset

c. Proper Subset

d. Complement of a set

e. Union of a set

f. Intersection of a set

Solve following problems showing your work:

2. Set X = {3, 7, 11, 21, 39, 43, 567}, Set Y = {1, 3, 6, 8, 11, 42, 567}

a. What is the union of Sets X and Y?

b. What is the intersection of Sets X and Y

c. Create your own set Z that is a proper subset of Set X.

3. Let Set 1 be the entire alphabet. Let Set 2 = {m, n, o, p, q, r}

a. What is the complement of Set 2 in Set 1?

b. Set 3 = {n, o, p, q}. Is Set 3 a proper subset of Set 2? Explain your reasoning.

4. Take out a coin for the following problems:

a. Suppose you are going to flip a coin once. What is the set of possible outcomes for this?

b. Suppose you are going to flip a coin twice. What is the set of possible outcomes for this?

c. If you flip a coin twice, what are the chances that you will get one head and one tail (i.e. one in three, one in four, etc.)? Use your answer to the question 3b to get your answer.

Reference no: EM131028132

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