What is the company strategy

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131702771

In this assignment, you will conduct an evaluation of a company based on its annual report. This assignment will provide you with the skills to better analyze a company based on publicly available information.

Choose a company you wish to analyze, this can be any of the ones listed from our global marketplace readings (Coca-Cola, KFC, Dell, etc.), there are numerous companies to choose from so feel free to explore! Obtain an Annual Report by visiting the company site or searching Google. Review the company accomplishments as well as its goals and strategies for the future.

Based on your review, respond to the following:

What is the company strategy? What were the company's goals and were they successful in achieving those goals?

Would you invest in their stock? Why or why not?

What recommendations would you make to senior management for the upcoming year? Would you consider expanding into new markets? Would international expansion be profitable?

Are there new products or services that you would recommend to management to offer? Are there markets that you might recommend closing or products/services that should no longer be offered? Should prices be reduced or increased?

(Note: Stating you have no advice or that management should keep doing what they have been doing is not sufficient.) Provide insightful analysis and information based on your research.

Write your initial response in 200-250 words. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

Reference no: EM131702771

Questions Cloud

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What are the implications of price wars for a company : Under what environmental conditions are price wars most likely to occur in an industry? What are the implications of price wars for a company?
Identify the number and size distribution of companies : Discuss Porter's five forces model with reference to what you know about the United States steel industry (see the Opening Case).
Implement the code necessary to transfer data from the store : In class miniproject1.mongoDb.BulkTransfer, implement the code necessary to transfer data from the stored JSON files in your MongoDB instance on mLab.
What is the company strategy : What is the company strategy? What were the company's goals and were they successful in achieving those goals?
Assess the impact of macro environmental factors : Assess the impact of macro environmental factors on the likely level of enrollment at your university over the next decade.
Prepare all necessary journal entries : Assume Flint uses a periodic system. Prepare all necessary journal entries, including the end-of-month closing entry to record cost of goods sold
Discuss working with the economic order quantity : Demand for the Executive DeskPro Computer at Buy More is 1,000 units per month. Buy More incurs a fixed order placement, transportation
Define measure analyze improve control : Define Measure Analyze Improve Control.The Group Portion takes a big-picture approach. You and your group will discuss how to implement Six Sigma .


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