What is the company competitive strategy

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM133225297


1. Watch the video and research the company and its stakeholders.

2. Write a report that answers the following questions:

a. What video did you watch and what company and product does the video profile?

b. Is the company global?

c. What is the company's competitive strategy?

d. Does this strategy adds value to their business?

e. Who are Company's Logistics Service Providers (LSPs)?

f. Was there a mention to their inventory and warehousing of raw materials and finished goods? If Yes, what did you learn?

g. What did you learn about the transportation of raw materials from suppliers and finished goods to customers? What modes of transportation are used?

h. What did you learn about their suppliers? Who are they and What do they provide?

i. Was company outsourcing or procuring any products and services? If yes, what are they?

j. What efforts do they make to be an ethical company and environmentally responsible?

k. What surprised you / interested you the most in this plant tour?

Reference no: EM133225297

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