Reference no: EM133366350
Ben and Kali met at the restaurant where Kali works as a waitress. Ben knew she was "the one" and asked Kali to move in with him after 4 weeks of dating. Kali was resistant initially, but Ben insisted it was the only way their relationship would work because they were so busy with college and work. Kali agreed and their relationship appeared happy for the first month. Kali arrived home after working late one day to find her belongings burning in the yard. Ben accused her of cheating and began screaming at her. The next day, Ben was very apologetic. He insisted Kali quit her job because she should not be working so late. Reluctantly, Kali agreed. Ben assured her he would take care of the bills. Ben provided Kali with spending money, but over the last 6 months, he provided less and less. He also became more demanding of Kali and regularly accuses her of cheating, despite her being home, with no transportation most days. Ben occasionally slaps Kali or throws things at her during their arguments, but he is always apologetic. Kali's friends and family do not approve of her relationship with Ben, which makes him angry. Kali often avoids phone calls from her parents and has become increasingly withdrawn. She does not eat regularly and sleeps most of the day.
Ben broke Kali's cell phone after one of her friends from college called and was concerned that she had not been attending classes. Because Kali was upset about her phone being broken, Ben accused her of caring more about college than him. He accused her of having a boyfriend on campus. He demanded she drop out of school. When Kali returned home from classes the following day, Ben assaulted her, choking her until she lost consciousness. A neighbor intervened and contacted the police. Kali was transported to the hospital, where a crisis counselor (you) met with Kali.
Kali is very upset, crying and shaking. She is insists that Ben hurt her accidentally and is concerned he will get in touble. Her parents have arrived and plan to take Kali home, however she is worried that this will upset Ben. Kali stated she is not sure she is ready to leave Ben. She reported he often becomes suicidal during their arguements and she is the only one that can help him.
1. What is the client saying about the crisis?
2. What happened?
3. When did it happen?
4. What type of crisis was is (traumatic event, developmental, psychiatric, existential)> Did the client mention anything that indicated danger? Other relevant information about the crisis:
FEELING: Is the client's predominant emotional state on of: Anger Sadness Hopelessness Anxiety Panic Numbness Suicidal? If yes, complete lethality assessment/suicide Homicidal> If yes, complete lethality assessment/homicide
ACTING: Is the client's behavior: Active/restless: Consistent with mood: Passive/Withdrawn: Good eye contact:
THINKING: Is the client Logical/making sense: Coherent/Expressing self well: Insightful: Focused on topic: Evasive/Changing Subject:
OTHER: Any medical problems? Physical limitations? Hospitalizations? Need for hospitalization?
1. What needs to be done now?
2. What alternative plans have been discussed?
3. Are these plans reasonable? Can they be carried out?
1. Which plan has the client chosen?
2. Are there resources/support to implement this plan?
3. Is the client motivated to implement this plan?
4. What other resources/support may be needed? Friend Family Member Neighbor Mental Health Provider Public Agency (law enforcement, child protective services, social services) Medical (hospitalization, medication)