What is the cheapest way to fill the orders

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133353005


A rock company uses five types of rocks to fill six orders. The phosphate content, availability of each type of rock, and the production cost per pound for each rock are listed in the file P04_76.xlsx, as well as the size of each order and the minimum and maximum phosphate percentage in each order. What is the minimum total cost? $ What is the cheapest way to fill the orders? The input in the box below will not be graded, but may be reviewed and considered by your instructor.

Reference no: EM133353005

Questions Cloud

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Discuss difference between individualism and collectivism : Discuss the difference between individualism and collectivism? What is the relationship between government and business under each orientation?
Different models to solve different management challenges : Under many circumstances, management make decisions using different models to solve different management challenges.
What is the cheapest way to fill the orders : What is the cheapest way to fill the orders? The input in the box below will not be graded, but may be reviewed and considered by your instructor.
Business strategy game : Now that you have completed the Business Strategy Game, what would you have done differently at the start of the game?
The population of millennials and generation : The population of the millennials and generation Z have taken the charge of the countries, mainly the corporate world.
Democracy into employment relationship : Does unionization introduce democracy into the employment relationship? Explain.
Look online for lists of young entrepreneurs : Look online for the lists of young entrepreneurs. How many of these firms are tech firms or heavily rely on technology?


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