What is the central issue of the topic being discussed

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM132881298

My topic is: religion and science create the powerpoint and detailed financial statements

HDCS 1300 Human Ecosystems

Criteria for Group Presentations

What is required for this presentation:

As a group, you will be responsible for presenting over issues in your textbook. Your overall presentation grade will be derived from the following two parts of this presentation. The first part asks you to analyze the assigned issue from your textbook and address the following points in a PowerPoint presentation. Further research outside your textbook may be needed. The second part of your presentation requires your group to lead the class into a discussion/debate over the issue.

PowerPoint slides - you must respond to the following points:

  • Identify the topic.
  • What is the central issue of the topic being discussed?
  • Who was each of the authors' intended audience? And how do you know?
  • What is the summary or abstract of each argument?
  • What are each of the two sides saying to dispute or support the argument?
  • What are the apparent underlying assumptions for each of the arguments?
  • What allowed you to take an unbiased approach to the arguments? Did the assumptions you had about the issue before reading the articles change or remain the same?
  • What questions did the arguments raise in your mind?
  • What are the writers' credentials, purpose, and motivation for writing?
  • Where do the writers disagree about the facts or the interpretation of the facts?
  • Where do the writers disagree about underlying beliefs, values, or assumptions?
  • What forms of persuasion are being used? How are the authors' each using pathos, logos, and ethos in their arguments?
  • What was left out of the arguments, either because the author might not have wanted you to know, or because the author was not thorough? How did this affect your response to the argument?
  • How does this issue relate to Social Sciences and the "Family and Human Ecosystems" model?
  • How is this issue relevant to now?
  • Evaluate whether or not you feel the author's argument was valid, successful and/or persuasive.
  • You must include at least one relative video/act/performance/visual (You can use Youtube).


  • Come up with 4 or 5 discussion questions that you think will help provoke the audience.
  • Tie in the issue with a current issue in our society today- perhaps a news article or video.

Reference no: EM132881298

Questions Cloud

Discuss the concept of victim precipitation : Discuss the concept of victim precipitation. Describe two examples of either positive or negative behavioral examples of victim precipitation.
What are some risks and challenges ikea : What are some risks and challenges IKEA is likely to face as a result of basing its minimum pay on the living wage formula, rather than just legal requirements
Analyze facts or legal principles in dispute in the case : Analyze the facts involved in the case, from your sides perspective - Identify the law or legislation related to the case that supports your sides perspective
Implications of the downsize decision for company : Explain, in detail, the implications of the downsize decision for a company.
What is the central issue of the topic being discussed : Identify the topic. What is the central issue of the topic being discussed? Who was each of the authors' intended audience? And how do you know?
Prescriptive and descriptive analytics : Compare and contrast predictive analytics with prescriptive and descriptive analytics. Use examples.
What the break-even point in units : A company's product sells at $12.06 per unit and has a $5.09 per unit variable cost. What the break-even point in units
What is atmospherics in business : Study the following questions and provide thorough explanations. Provide reference and in citation please
How has a policy outcome become significant in bringing : What are some examples of unintended consequences of criminal justice policies? Is there a way to minimize the impact of negative consequences?


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