Reference no: EM132925142
Question - A cash-generating unit (CGU) was reviewed for impairment on 31 March 2020 as required by HKAS 36 Impairment of Assets.
The impairment review revealed that the CGU has a value in use of $25,000,000 and a net realisable amount of $23,000,000.
The carrying amounts of the net assets of the CGU immediately prior to the impairment review were as follows:
Goodwill 5,000,000
Property, plant and equipment 18,000,000
Net current assets 5,500,000 28,500,000
The review indicated that one item of the plant (included in the above figure of $18,000,000) with a carrying amount of $1,000,000 had been severely damaged and was virtually worthless.
There was no other evidence of obvious impairment to specific assets.
REQUIRED - What is the carrying amount of the goodwill relating to the unit immediately after the results of the impairment review have been reflected in accordance with HKAS 36?