What is the business environment like for jennifer

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM131282282

Contemporary Business- Essay Please read everything

You are to write an 800-1,200-page essay that addresses the following questions posted by Jennifer and her partners. This report should be well researched and offer specific recommendations for her company. Please be sure to include a cover page, introduction, and conclusion. The paper needs to be written in APA format and should have at least three scholarly sources cited (your textbook and course lectures can and should be two of the sources used). Please be sure to write in an essay format that answers the following questions.

• What is the business environment like for Jennifer? What other areas should she consider?

• What ethical and social responsibility issues should Jennifer consider in this business? What can Jennifer do to be a good corporate citizen? Be specific in your recommendation.

• How could Jennifer further define her target audience? What are some cost-effective marketing strategies that Jennifer could use?

• Discuss the basic marketing plan she should follow. In other words, discuss the four Ps of marketing (product, price, place, and promotion) and how they should be managed for her clothing store.

• What issues should Jennifer consider in terms of managing her employees and keeping them motivated? What HR issues should Jennifer consider?

Please note: Do not just put these questions and answer them. This paper must be a well-written essay with an introduction, body (which would answer the questions), and conclusion.


APA format

800-1200 words

What ethical program did you develop? Did you understand and define having a good corporate social responsible (CSR) program? Did you cover all areas of marketing (think about all of the four Ps)?


You are a small business consultant who has been hired by Jennifer to advise her on a business opportunity. Your task is to provide Jennifer a written assessment of the opportunity, plus recommendations that can help her be successful. This is the first of two meetings that you have scheduled. In this meeting, you will focus on ethics and social responsibility, marketing, and human resources.

Your role:

You are a consultant newly hired by Jennifer to help her understand and provide expertise and research for her clothing store. As the consultant, you are being paid to provide specific and unbiased advice to Jennifer and her business partners. This is part one of a two-part You Decide. In part one, your consulting efforts will focus on the business environment, ethics and social responsibility, marketing, and human resources. Please note that all of these topics have been covered in Weeks 1 through 4 of this course. Be sure to utilize the textbook and other research as necessary.

**New clothing line in a Suburban location.

**Marketing move for picking a store location

**Think of ways that the company can show the general public that the company cares about the local issues.

**Report that shows how to motivate employees

**Target Market are Baby Boomers

**talk about product, price, place, and promotion

Key players:

Jennifer - Store owner

Hello, thank you so much for coming to our meeting today. Let me introduce the team that is represented here. First off, I am Jennifer, the founder of Jennifer's Clothing Store. To my right is Mr. David Green, who is a cofounder and an important adviser to our company, and to my left is Mr. Steve Mura, who is our marketing director. Let me be brief and talk a bit about what we want to do today. I am considering the launch of a new clothing store in my suburban hometown. I have actually found three possible locations that are available for lease. Any one of them would be excellent for a clothing store. I hope you can shed light, from a marketing perspective, on various factors we should think about when we are picking our store location. We have a great team here today, and I hope that someday the business can be big enough to sell so I can retire with my husband. Other than that, I do not have any particular short- or long-

David Green Co-founder

Thank you Jennifer. I have a few items that I would like to discuss in this meeting. First, let's chat about the need for a truly ethical and responsible company. Jennifer and I recognize the importance of having a store that preaches a culture of ethics and is responsible to the environment and a true member of the local community. We would like for you to think about ways our company can show the general public that we care about these issues. Secondly, I want your report to discuss ways to motivate employees. How can Jennifer keep her staff excited and involved? This is critical to success, as we recognize the importance of human resources. Those are the issues I would like to see addressed; now I want to turn it over to Steve, our marketing director, to discuss the marketing issues.

Steve Mura - Marketing Director

Thanks David. Let's chat about our marketing needs. First a little background: Jennifer has 20 years of experience selling clothing for large retailers but now feels ready to take some risk and venture out on her own. Her target market is female baby boomers. The only stores in her area that sell similar clothing are the major department stores at the mall-but those are 30 miles away. However, Jennifer is unsure what new competition she will face in the future. Do you think there are competitors we are not thinking about? Do you think this target market is big enough to have decent sales? From a supply chain standpoint, Jennifer has great connections with potential U.S. suppliers. She can acquire a variety of name-brand clothes for her store that her target group would likely find attractive. However, she has no official business relationships with these suppliers yet and would need to either apply for trade credit or pay for inventory up front. She also has been introduced to a broker who can help her find clothing suppliers in China that produce clothes just like the name brands but at half the cost. With all this in mind, don't forget what David talked about when thinking about our marketing program. We want to be good corporate citizens, so when picking a partner, do we need to evaluate its business model? In your report that you are preparing, please be sure to focus on our marketing efforts. You remember from your college days that it means we need to talk about product, price, place, and promotion. I look forward to your report and thank you for your time.

Reference no: EM131282282

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