What is the browser technology that is enabling this

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM132027857

Sanjay is sitting in a café using a public wireless network and is doing his banking via the web. However, his communication is perfectly secure. How is this possible? What is the browser technology that is enabling this?

Reference no: EM132027857

Questions Cloud

Declare many variables one at a time : Declare many variables ONE at a TIME, with many individual statements.
How do you create python function that will accept : How do you create Python function that will accept as input three string values from a user. The method will return to the user a concatenation
Compute all the ratios for at least two years : Compute all the ratios for at least two years. You are to use the financial statement figures found in the Annual Report (Item 8 to the Form 10-K).
Need for designing procedures for simple tasks : What are the need for designing procedures for simple tasks such as creating or modifying access controls?
What is the browser technology that is enabling this : However, his communication is perfectly secure. How is this possible? What is the browser technology that is enabling this?
Identify areas for improvement : How other cloud companies or those that use cloud services and identify areas for improvement such as adding additional cloud services.
Read about issues affecting higher education in the us : Read about issues affecting higher education in the United States. One of the speakers alluded to the similarity of concerns in other countries.
Important aspect of maintaining business longevity : Physical security is a very important aspect of maintaining business longevity. Picture the following example: a building located downtown holds the information
Discuss the interrelationship of the cash flow statement : Discuss the interrelationship of the cash flow statement to the other financial statements. In your discussion comment and explain operating activities.


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