What is the brief history of the theory or model

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Reference no: EM131484269

13 Questions

1. What is the brief history of the theory or model? (This is not to be a biography of the theorist; rather, trace the evolution/theoretical origins of the theory/model.)

2. What is the conceptual level of the theory/model (theory, midrange-theory, model, etc.)?

3. What is the basic idea of the theory/model? Give a brief summary.

4. Define or describe the nursing metaparadigm concepts of person, health, environment,and nursing. If they are not defined, is there an implied definition or are you able to see the author's viewpoint? (You must not copy the definitions from the nursing theory

5. Are the four metaparadigm concepts related in the theory/model? How?

6. With what areas is the theory/model concerned?

7. Is this theory/model supported by research?

8. Does it generate areas for future research?

9. Evaluate for clarity, simplicity, and generalizability.

10. Does this theory/model contribute to the body of nursing knowledge?

11. Is it current and applicable to nursing?

12. Is it significant and will it make a difference (either alone or when used with other, relevant theories) in an area of clinical nursing?

13. How are the two theories similar and different? This compare and contrast section should have a single heading.

Comparison/Contrast Paper


1.Intro to paper

2.Nursing theorist.....................Betty Neuman (System Model)
a. Intro Blog
b. Analysis 13 questions below

3. Non-nursing theorist............Albert Bandura (Self-Efficacy)
a. intro Blog
b. analysis 13 questions below

4. Comparison/contrast
2.Nursing theorist
3. Non-nursing theorist

5. arguments

6. conclusion

7. references

8. grading rubric

The paper must be written in third person style, avoiding all use of statements with personal pronouns such as "I" or "my".

The assignment must be typed and double-spaced, include title page, reference list, possible appendices, using APA format. Written in a narrative format, it is to be 5- 6 pages in length. Deductions will be made if paper is over assigned length.

The title of the paper must include the FULL names of both theorists.

The reference list is in addition to-and separate from--the annotated bibliography assignment (note APA differentiates between the Reference List and the Bibliography).

The reference list must include at least four sources (not course textbooks), which may or may not be from the annotated bibliography.
Resources must be from scholarly journals or books with an emphasis on primary or updated secondary sources.

No excerpts (summaries) from the internet are acceptable. It is expected that students will use resources other that their textbooks for this assignment, although brief reference to content in course textbooks may be used in addition to the four sources if desired.

Do not include your annotated bibliography.

Submit to the online Sakai. Include completed text mechanics sheet and grading sheet. Review the syllabus guidelines for the Reference List and how to submit resources electronically.

Write using professional language, include correct format for introduction and conclusion

See specific guidelines for analysis below

Comparison/Contrast Paper

Compare and Contrast Theorists Related to Nursing

Guidelines for analysis:

In this paper, you are expected to examine the assigned theories and/or models and discuss their applicability and relevancy to nursing. For non-nursing theories, for example, you will need to research whether or not these theories have been directly applied to nursing practice, have been adapted by a nursing theorist, or are not directly applicable or current.

Ask yourself the following questions and include all items in your analysis. Compare and contrast the two theories/models as to their ability to be used in nursing today. The answers may not be completely obvious and may require research as to what other experts have said in their research (adapted from Fawcett, J. 1989. Analysis and Evaluation of Conceptual Models of Nursing. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis).

Reference no: EM131484269

Questions Cloud

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Write a Review

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