Reference no: EM132462517
Assignment 1: HRM and the Affordable Care Act
In 2010, the US Congress passed and President Obama signed into law the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA). Since its passage, the act has withstood challenges to its constitutionality, and the majority of the law remains intact. The law requires "large employers" to offer "affordable" and "adequate" insurance coverage to their "full-time employees" as defined by the act, or, under the "play-or-pay" provisions, to pay a penalty.
Task 1: In a minimum of 200 words, post to the Discussion Area your responses to the following:
Task 2: Has the ACA affected large employers and full-time, part-time, and temporary employees more positively or negatively? Why?
Task 3: What are the potential pitfalls for organizations trying to comply with the law?
Task 4: Is it good or bad that the Internal Revenue Service and the Department of Labor play a role in the enforcement of this law? Why?
Task 5: Considering how the law affects healthcare organizations as employers and as healthcare providers, what is the best way for HRM in healthcare organizations to address the issues arising from the law?
Assignment 2: Job Description, Analysis, and Design and Mutual Respect and Trust
The knowledge of jobs is used for many purposes, certainly in the field of HRM for healthcare organizations. In particular, knowledge of what a job requires an employee to do-the basis for pay-is essential to make comparisons with other jobs for market pricing and as the first step in evaluating jobs internally. Today and every day, as leaders or managers, we want to emphasize the golden rule of treating others the way we want to be treated. We are working with a diverse team of people from many cultures, traditions, backgrounds, and belief. This is what makes us a strong, effective, and successful healthcare organization.
Task 1: In a minimum of 200 words, post to the Discussion Area your responses to the following:
Task 2: Consider the differences among a job description, a job analysis, and a job design. What is the importance of each in healthcare HRM?
Task 3: How would you foster a climate of mutual respect and trust among your team members?
Task 4: Suppose you are developing the job description, analysis, and design for a clinical team leader position. Does diversity relate to the position at all? Explain your answer. If yes, how will you address it?
Provide reasons and evidence in support of your responses.
As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.
Your assignment should be addressed in an 16- to 20-PowerPoint presentation.
Assignment 3: Employee Turnover and Future Staffing Needs
A high employee turnover in any industry can be a concern, more so in those that are customer centered. Industries that deal with people's health are in an even more precarious position. Healthcare organizations with high attrition must consider how a "revolving door" of care providers affects the quality of care the organization is able to provide and the satisfaction of patients with their overall experience. HR professionals are responsible for staffing positions, training employees, providing benefits, and handling any problems or disciplinary actions. The day-to-day responsibilities of managing the workforce can leave little time for long-range planning.
Task 1: Post to the Discussion Area your responses to the following:
Task 2: How does a high employee turnover rate impact the operations in a healthcare organization?
Task 3: Give examples of one clinical and one nonclinical position in your answer. For example, what is the effect of a high turnover among lab technicians and among billing staff?
Task 4: What data may be gathered and analyzed to assess the reasons for employee turnover?
Task 5: What additional data might HRM gather?
Task 6: What would you use for forecasting metrics for current and future staffing needs?
Task 7: Give an example of a particular healthcare setting (e.g., urban or rural, large or small hospital, or primary or tertiary care).
Task 8: What best practices would you recommend for reducing healthcare employee turnover? Explain at least three such best practices and their positive affect on a healthcare organization.
Task 9: Among clinical staff, would you target any particular age group for retention efforts? For example, would you make greater effort to retain younger staff for the organization's long-term staffing needs or would you rather retain more experienced employees to improve the quality of care?
Provide reasons and evidence in support of your responses.
From the Internet, read the following:
Boyd, N., & Gessner, B. (2013). Human resource performance metrics: Methods and processes that demonstrate you care. Cross Cultural Management, 20(2), 251-273. doi
As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.
Your initial posting should be addressed at 300-500 words. Submit your document to this Discussion Area by the due date assigned. Be sure to cite your sources using APA format.
Assignment 4: Major Issues in Healthcare
As healthcare organizations move forward to the future, how healthcare is delivered in the United States will continue to be scrutinized.
Task 1: Post to the Discussion Area your responses to the following:
Task 2: Identify the three major issues affecting healthcare organizations today.
Task 3: Describe the role HRM plays in dealing with or addressing these issues.
Task 4: Give an example of a healthcare setting and explain how you, as an HR manager in that setting, would respond to the three issues. Provide reasons and evidence in support of your responses.
As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.
Your initial posting should be addressed at 300-500 words. Submit your document to this Discussion Area by the due date assigned. Be sure to cite your sources using APA format.