Reference no: EM131024780
1. During a walk.through of a work package, you discover a team member completing the work differently than stated in the WBS dictionary. How should you deal with this? (332)
a) Replace the team member
b) Ask the team member if the changes are necessary.
c) Determine if alternative ways is acceptable to the functional manager.
d) Determine if changes also change the scope of the work package
2. The financial systems project has a relatively high profile in the organization and has received great support from the sponsor. There are over 230 activities on the project, and a few have remained relatively large due to the nature of the work to be accomplished. One of these larger activities has an estimate to complete (ETC) that is longer than planned. If the project manager wants to look at non.value added activities that might cause the delay, the manager should: (1389)
a) Measure using quality metrics
b) Perform a quality audit
c) Complete a process analysis
d) Use a Pareto Diagram
3. You are the CEO of a large publishing house and desire to improve project management practices in your company. What is the BEST thing to do in order to manage publication of each issue? (25)
a) Identify all the stakeholders for this project
b) Set up a project office
c) Retain the functional organization structure
d) Clearly define the work to be supplied by other companies
4. If the project team is subdividing project work packages into smaller, more manageable components, they are: (313)
a) Activity sequencing
b) Decomposing
c) Creating a WBS
d) Network Diagramming
5. The focus of the Control Schedule process is to: (1603)
a) Keep the project schedule in alignment with the project budget
b) Minimize risk
c) Complete the project in as little time as possible
d) Maintain accurate daily records of each team members progress
6. A project manager for a large information technology consulting firm was assigned to manage a software integration project for an important client. The schedule as already established. Management at the client site responsible for the project then informed the project manager the project duration was too long. Changing market pressures required the project to be brought in one month earlier than schedule. He has already reviewed the scope of the project and nothing could be cut. He requested that the project manager cut each activity duration estimate by 10 percent in order to accomplish the goal. What is the MOST appropriate thing for a project manager to do in this situation? (531)
a) Do more critical path activities in parallel
b) Meet with management to review the original project management plan and discuss scope changes that would reduce the timeline
c) Meet with the team and evaluate how each activity can be cut by 10 percent to accomplish the goal
d) Innovate change control process, explain that the project schedule needs to stand, and review the risks involved
7. A project manager is performing an audit on a deliverable when she hears that a team member who did the work is complaining to everyone that having his activity audited is picking him on. You know this is not true. What lesson learned could you take to future projects (331)
a) Audit less frequently
b) Set an audit policy in the scope management plan
c) Tell all the team members at the beginning of the project that their deliverables will be audited
d) Use a walk through instead of audits
8. You are managing a multi million.dollar project that is a joint venture between your company and another organization. You have repeatedly tried to get the contract and the project charter finalized between the two organizations, but there has been a great deal of arguing between language and details. The project's scope has been expanding, costs have been increasing, and the schedule has been regularly lengthening. You learn very suddenly that the project has been cancelled, because the other organization withdrew its share of the funding for the project. What is the MOST likely reason for this to have occurred? (608)
a) Poorly done initial cost benefit analysis
b) Inadequate scope management
c) Failure to understand budgetary process
d) Lack of sponsor commitment
9. You are considering creating a Project Management Office (PMO) in your organization and have solicited the opinion of some senior managers. The first representative recommends that the PMO should manage all projects in the organization. The second believes the PMO should handle large projects budgeted over a defined dollar amount. The third thinks a PMO should simply provide support to the department project managers. What should you do? (42)
a) Go with the first representative's opinion because a project management office is intended to be a central repository for all project information and management of all projects
b) Go with the second representative's opinion because it is not practical for project management office to manage all projects. The most important project should be managed by a focused group
c) Begin the process of gaining authority and formal approval for implementing all three choices
d) Get other opinions from the representatives employees
10. You are in the tenth month of a highly stressful eleventh month project. One morning as your car passes one of your technical team members in the parking lot, you see a suit jacket hanging in the back seat. You walk by his desk and he quickly stops a phone conversation. What kind of organization are you probably in? (1515)
a) Functional
b) Strong Matrix
c) Projectized
d) Weak Matrix
11. Work on a project is ongoing when a project manager overhears two workers arguing over what a set of instructions means. The project manager investigates and discovers that the instructions for the construction of the concrete footings being poured were poorly translated between the different languages used in the project. What is the BEST thing for the project manager to do FIRST? (1258)
a) Look for quality impacts of the poor translation of the instructions for the footings
b) Get the instructions translated by a more experienced party
c) Inform the sponsor of the problem in the next project report
d) Bring the issue to the attention of the team and ask them to look for other translation problems
12. A project manager in a predominantly hierarchical organization has been assigned a major project with aggressive timelines. The BEST approach for developing an initial project charter in this environment is to: (33)
a) Create the project charter jointly with management for distribution to potential team members and stakeholders
b) Create and present a draft project charter to potential team members and stakeholders to solicit their input
c) Create a project charter with functional managers and present it to the sponsor for signature
d) Create a project charter using brainstorming sessions with potential team members and stakeholders
13. Assessing potential problems with stakeholder engagement is MOST closely related to which of the following processes (1586)
a) Identify risks
b) Manage communications
c) Direct and manage project work
d) Collect requirements
14. While holding a risk assessment meeting, the sponsor is looking at the latest list of top risks in the project report. A new risk has been identified and assessed. The risk did not rank higher than any of the previously identified risks. Two fallback plans have been adjusted based on the severity of the previous risk impacts. What else should the project manager have done? (1309)
a) Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis for the new risk
b) Look for contingency risks from the fallback plan
c) Provide the sponsor with a full list of non.critical risks
d) Look at the impact of the new risk to the project as a whole
15. You have completed project planning and are well into project execution when you discover a manager in one of the internal clients departments is visiting your team members every afternoon for lengthy chats about the project. What is the BEST thing to do? (1557)
a) Tell your team members not to waste time talking to the manager
b) Meet with the manager to understand why he feels the need to communicate with your team members
c) Ask the manager to formally address project issues as per the communications management plan
d) Ask the project manager to formally address his questions to you
16. You have just been assigned to take over a project your management has told you is "out of control". When you asked the management what the problems were, they had no specifics, but said the project was behind schedule, over budget, and the client was dissatisfied. Which of the following should be of MOST concern to you? (64)
a) The client is very dissatisfied with the project's progress
b) There is very little documentation related to the project
c) The project is over budget and behind schedule
d) Your management is looking for rapid visible action on this project to rectify its problems
17. Your team is three days late with a report. Five minutes before the meeting where the topic of the report is to be discussed, she hands you the report. You notice some serious errors in it. What should you do? (80)
a) Go to the meeting and tell the attendees that there are errors in the report
b) Cancel the meeting and reschedule when the report is fixed
c) Cancel the meeting and rewrite the report yourself
d) Allow the team member to do the presentation and remain silent as the other attendees find the errors
18. In project planning it becomes apparent that the factions within a clients company have significantly different views of how the project should be structured and how the deliverables should be defined. Which of the following is the BEST thing to do? (85)
a) List the consequences of changes in the requirements section of the contract
b) Ask the client when they will be in agreement on the project requirements
c) Make sure the terms and conditions of the contract are clear
d) Work with leadership from each area to collaboratively engineer a mutually acceptable solution
19. The first phase of your project has come to an end. What is the MOST important thing to ensure is done BEFORE beginning the next phase? (943)
a) Recommend corrective actions to bring project results in line with project expectations
b) Verify resources are available for the next phase
c) Confirm that the phase has reached its objectives, and have the deliverables formally accepted
d) Check the project's progress compared to its baselines
20. In project initiating, the project manager is collecting everything required to initiate the new project. He obtains historical information, high.level stakeholder needs, information on how the project fits with the organizations strategic goals, what is included in the project and what constitutes success. Which of the following is NOT something he has forgotten to consider? (1522)
a) Constraints and assumptions
b) Initial project organization
c) What to purchase
d) Rough idea of magnitude estimates
21. A customer has given you a procurement statement of work for a complex, eight.month project that has a few unknowns. The customer has asked you to "just get it done" and only wants to see you at the end of eight months when you deliver the finished project. Under the circumstances, which of the following is the BEST thing to do (346)
a) Ask management to gently and with the customer occasionally
b) Complete the project within eight months without contacting the customer during this time
c) Complete the project, but document that the customer does not want contact
d) Complete the project as requested, but validate the scope with the customer throughout
22. As project progress is tracked according to the project management plan, the project manager discovers that final deliverables will be completed two months after delivery deliverable dates imposed by management. What should the project manager do? (502)
a) Look for options with stakeholders using some combination of scaling back work, re.valuating discretionary dependencies, and adding resources
b) Evaluate the impact on the company of completing this project late
c) Drive the project team to work faster to make up for lost time
d) Re.calculate the project schedule and distribute it according to the communications management plan
23. You are given a new project to manage and a brief project statement. The project sponsor tells you there is no required completion date for the project. The BEST thing to do is to: (201)
a) Make a list of activities that need to be there
b) Plan the project as you would a normal project, but build in schedule flexibility
c) Asked for a better definition of the project scope before excepting the project
d) Accomplished a project as time allows
24. The project charter for a project was approved, and you have just been assigned as project manager. Realizing that the project planning is an ongoing effort throughout the project, which processes are you MOST likely to combine? (182)
a) Plan human resources and estimate cost
b) Estimate cost and determine budget
c) Create WBS and define activities
d) Estimate activity durations and develop schedule
25. You have assigned a project charter and a scope management plan, and are in the process of creating a project scope statement. You have asked the team for input to ensure the project scope statement is complete. However, the team is struggling with defining the scope. Which of the following BEST describes the problem? (303)
a) A WBS was not completed before the project scope statement was begun
b) The team is working on the project scope statement without the benefit of organizational process assets
c) The team is in the defiance, process and needs the project scope statement as an input
d) The project objectives were not identified before the project scope statement was begun
26. You are managing a two.year project involving staff from several departments. The project is on schedule and within budget. A key team member leaves for a four week with vacation without completing a highly technical and specialist activity assigned to him (Activity A). The project team cannot begin activity B or activity E (a critical path activity) until activity A is completed. Activity A has three days float and is not on the critical path. A team member, a seller, and a member work overtime to complete activity A within its full time. You need to reimburse the members department and pay the seller at an overtime rate. What action should you take? (83)
a) Reevaluate communications management plan
b) Send a complaint letter to the key team members boss, and ask him to fund the extra costs expended
c) Thank the others for filling in, but tell him not to waste time on non.critical part activities
d) Pay the cost out of your project reserves
27. The project has been going relatively well, although there have been some problems with resource availability on the project scope has changed more than was expected. The project is now completing one of its phases. Of all decisions the sponsor must consider doing an end of phase review meeting, the MOST difficult is (383)
a) Authorizing budget increases for the next phase based on scope changes
b) Cancelling the project
c) Authorizing scope change for the next phase
d) Decreasing scope to maintain the budget
28. A project is considered out of control and a previous project manager has quit. You are assigned as of the new project manager and have been asked to verify the quality level of the project and recommend corrective action. What do you do FIRST (725)
a) Draw control chart
b) Review the project management plan
c) Meet with the team
d) Create a risk mitigation plan
29. What would be the best explanation for the following. Both cost variance and schedule variance are negative, but the cost variance is lower then the schedule variance (1290)
a) The project underspent because all the work was not completed, but overspent for work that was done
b) The project underspent, because cost were lower than planned and activities were easier to complete then planned
c) The project activities took longer than expected, but cost will lower
d) The project overspent due to increased cost and yet completed some activities faster
30. You need to shorten the project by exactly 4 months, spending no more then USD 22,000 to do it. Based on the information in the chart, you would include activity A as part of the solution. However, during planning, the resource completing activity is strongly argued for a particular method of completing the school in order to agree to be on the team. His scope was accepted because his expertise was needed on the project. The BEST way to crash this project would be to crash which activity(s)? (480)
Activity Original Duration in months Crash Duration in Months Time Savings Crash Cost Extra Cost
A 24 22 2 $100,000 $14,000
F 18 15 3 $117,000 $18,000
D 23 19 4 $225,000 $20,000
C 30 25 5 $114,000 $20,000
H 25 23 2 $130,000 $3,000
a) Activity D
b) Activities F & H
c) Activity C
d) Activities A & H
31. You are finishing the prototype that was planned as a risk mitigation strategy when you find out the benefit cost ratio (BCR) has improved and the project cost performance index (CPI) is 1.03. The standard deviation of the project estimate has decreased and you discover that the prototype, already almost finished, can fulfill the needs of another project requirements as well. What should you do FIRST (1303)
a) Review the benefits of the project with the customer and determine if the prototype will improve the benefits
b) Look for risk impacts of fulfilling another requirement with the prototype
c) Look for ways to help get the prototype accepted faster and thus cut cost
d) Compress the project to get it completed faster using the prototype
32. What is the difference between expected monetary value and net present value? (1462)
a) Expected monetary value is the value it takes to recover your investment and net present value is the value of money
b) Expected monetary value is the probability times impact of an opportunity, and net present venue is the benefits less cost for many time periods
c) Expected monetary value is the estimated value of the work actually accomplished and net present value is the value of the work to be done
d) Expected monetary value is the estimated value of risk response plans and net present value helps determine the value of investments
33. During the identification of risk on your project, you have determined that there is a very high probability of conflict among the team during project execution or one aspect of the final design of the project. Which of the following is an example of mitigating the impact of the risks to the project? (1008)
a) Provide the team with training on conflict resolution techniques
b) Eliminate that part of the project
c) Obtain an insurance policy for the anticipated cost of the impact
d) Outsource that part of the project to another company
34. The WBS, estimates for each work package, and the network diagram are completed. The next thing for the project manager to do is (423)
a) Sequence activities
b) Develop schedule
c) Resource Simulation
d) Validate Scope
35. You are assigned a USD 2 million project with a standard deviation of the estimated costs of USD 200,000. What type of contract do you recommend? (1187)
a) Fixed Price (FP)
b) Cost plus percentage of costs (CPPC)
c) Cost Plus Fixed Fee (CPFF)
d) Fixed Price Plus Incentive Fee (FPPIF)
36. Doing project excluding, a functional manager asked you to use a model C generator instead of model B on your project. The functional manager says that model C will solve the needs of the project and provide some benefits to the manufacturing department. You look at the cost associated with model C and discover it is substantially higher than model B. If you are not sure you can justify the more expensive model, what is the BEST thing to do? (482)
a) Use model C and cut other activities to make up for the added cost
b) Review the specifications of each to validate the manager's claim
c) Do a life cycle analysis and present the results to your boss
d) Analyze the differences in using each model and present them to the sponsor.
37. AS per the chart, the resource completing activity E is not performing very well. After much argument, the functional manager agrees to assign a different resource to activity, but this will increase activity E's duration for seven months. What is the effect of this change? (483)
Activity Preceding Activity Estimate (months)
A Start 3
B Start 7
C A 2
D A 4
E C,D 5
F B 9
G E,F 3
End G
a) None, because activity has a float of four
b) The project will be delayed because activity E is on the critical path
c) None, because activity E is not on the critical path
d) The project will be delayed because activity E has a float of five
38. At the end of a two.year project, the key stakeholders agree that the project has met all the objectives outlined in the project charter and further defined in the projects scope statement. The project was within budget and finished on time. The management of one of the functional areas is quite upset because over half of his staff quit during the project, citing long hours and lack of management support. What is the MOST correct statement about this project?(883)
a) The project should be measured against how successfully it met its project charter. This was not done during this project
b) The project was within budget and time and achieved its objectives. Upper management is responsible for providing adequate resources, and the project manager successfully managed the project
c) The functional manager is responsible for his staff and obtaining adequate resources to meet the schedule once it has been set. The project and project manager achieved all of its objectives set
d) The project manager did not obtain adequate resources and did not set a realistic deadline based on the resources available
39. What completing a project, the project manager realizes he needs to decrease project cost. After researching his options, he comes up with the following options. Which choice would DECREASE project cost? (81)
a) Change activity A to be completed by resource B instead of resource C.
Resource B is a more experienced worker
b) Change to component A from component B. Component A icost more to purchase, but has a lower life cycle cost than B.
c) Move activities B and H to occur concurrently, and except a 30% increase in the risk that five more resources will be needed later.
d) Remove a test from the project management plan
40. You are in charge of the project developing a complex product that does not resemble anything your organization has done previously. You are using a resource to develop this product who is in high demand elsewhere in your organization. The project timeframe is very aggressive. In order to meet the schedule, only a limited number of testing is done. Once the testing is completed, the resource is released. The product works fine when being tested, but in production, it performs poorly. This results in a substantial amount of rework and extra cost to reacquire the resource on an overtime basis. Which of the following BEST describes why this project has problems ? (1040)
a) Poor resource management
b) Poor risk identification
c) Poor quality management
d) Poor reporting
41. At the end of a project, a project manager determines the project has added four areas of functionality and three areas of performance. The customer has expressed satisfaction with the project. What does this mean in terms of success of the project? (778)
a) The project was successful because the team had a chance to learn new areas of functionality and the customer was satisfied
b) The project was unsuccessful because it was gold plated
c) The project was an unqualified success
d) The project was unsuccessful because the customer being happy means they would have paid more for the work
42. You have a choice of four ongoing projects that you can take over as project manager. Project 1 has a cost benefit ratio of 1.4, and is a high priority project, and has a critical part of 16 months. It's cost performance index CPI is 1.2. Project 2 has a schedule performance index SPI of 1.1, is using three critical resources, has a low priority, and has a BCR of 1.1. Project 3 has a CPI of 1.2, and SPI of 0.89, A BCR of 1.6, and a critical path length of 19 months. Project 4 has a CPI of 0.82, an activity with 33 days of float, a hard to get resource assigned to activity L, and the priority of keeping costs low. Based on the above, which project would you prefer to take over?(609)
a) Project 2
b) Project 4
c) Project 3
d) Project 1
43. A project manager needs to determine if the manufacturing process for the new micro satellites will meet quality standards. Each satellite takes about 3 days to manufacture and costs USD 125,000. The satellites are so small that inspection would destroy them. Under these circumstances, what should the project manager do? (728)
a) Outsource the inspection to another company with more expertise
b) Inspect a sample of the satellites
c) Decrease the cost of quality
d) Evaluate the attributes of the population
44. What would be the best explanation for the following. Both cost variance and schedule variance are negative, but the cost variance is lower then the schedule variance (1290)
a) The project underspent because all the work was not completed, but overspent for work that was done
b) The project underspent, because cost were lower than planned and activities were easier to complete then planned
c) The project activities took longer than expected, but cost will lower
d) The project overspent due to increased cost and yet completed some activities faster
45. Scope decomposition involves subdividing the major project deliverables into smaller pieces to (311)
a) Improve the accuracy of estimates, define a baseline for performance, and assists with responsibility assignments
b) Assist in stakeholder assignment to project activities with specified start and end dates
c) Provide more activities to assign to resources, and allow for lower estimates
d) Provide the project duration, provide project control, and assign control charts
46. You are trying to decide whether to lease or buy an item for your project. The daily lease cost is USD 150. The investment cost to purchase the item is USD 2000 and the daily cost is USD 50. In how many days will the lease cost be the same as the purchase cost? (562)
a) 10
b) 20
c) 25
d) 15
47. Your project team is spending so much time reviewing requested changes to a project that you do not have time to complete project work. Which of the following is the LEAST likely reason for the problem? (362)
a) Not enough effort to identify the project stakeholders
b) An unclear project charter
c) A poor communications management plan
d) No change control board
48. You are in the middle of excluding a major modification to an existing product when you learn that the resources promised at the beginning of the project are not available. The best thing to do is to (203)
a) Show how the resources were originally promised to your project
b) Crash the project
c) Explain the impact if the promised resources are not made available
d) Replan the project without the resources
49. Early in the life of your project, you are having a discussion with the sponsor about what estimating techniques should be used. You want a form of expert judgment, but the sponsor argues for analogous estimating. It would be BEST to (585)
a) Agree to analogous estimating as it is a form of expert judgment
b) Try to convince the sponsor to allow expert judgment because it is typically more accurate
c) Suggest life cycle costing as a compromise
d) Determine why the sponsor wants such an accurate estimate
50. The project manager is working on a high profile project where completing the project within budget is critical. The project manager is new, but well trained and is excited to see that the project is spending less than budgeted. As a result, the project manager was planning to take a holiday when a more senior manager warned him that he has some important work to do on the project. Why would the senior project manager give such a warning on this project? (1287)
a) Team meetings should be scheduled every week and the holiday would mean one team meeting would have to be cancelled
b) A project that is under budget may also have contracts that need to be managed
c) Under budget could mean work that was scheduled to be done has not been completed. The project manager should look at how the cost performance compares to the schedule performance .
d) The project needs to create a project control system to make sure that there are no problems in the future
51. A customer has given you a procurement statement of work for a complex, eight--month project that has a few unknowns. The customer has asked to just "get it done" and only wants to see you at the end of eight months when you deliver the finished project. Under these circumstances, which of the following is the BEST thing to do? (346)
a) Compete the project within eight months without contacting the customer during this time.
b) Ask management to check in with the customer occasionally
c) Compete the project, but document that the customer did not want contact
d) Complete the project as requested, but validate its scope with the customer occasionally throughout.
52. While working with the procurement department to create the procurement documents for a project, the project manager is told this is the ninth time similar items have been purchased by the company and each procurement was administered easily. After asking a few questions and having a few discussions about he project manager's needs, the procurement administrator produces the procurement documents quickly and calls this a commodity purchase.
Instead of receiving bids from four companies as expected, the buyer received eleven bids. A few of the bidders expressed interest in giving the buyer a chance to tour their facilities. Other bidders offer substantially more valuable service than were requested.
The buyer's company has a policy of selecting the lowest bidder for the type of work, and one seller's bid is 35% lower than the project manager's own independent estimate. Which of the following is the MOST likely reason for this?(1385)
a) The seller misunderstood the procurement statement of work
b) The seller made an error in calculation
c) The marketplace has changed, making the prices lower than previously estimated
d) The procurement statement of work was unclear
53. In the middle of the project, the seller tells you he cannot get the resources to complete the project. Generally, what is the BEST thing to do? (1134)
a) Begin the closed procurements process
b) Remind the seller of the penalties for not meeting the next deliverable due date
c) Try to help uncover more resources, but continue the project
d) The contract has been breached. Contact your lawyer
54. A project has seven activities: A, B, C, D, E, F and G. Activities A, B and D can start anytime. Activity A takes three weeks, Activity B takes five weeks, and Activity D takes eleven weeks. Activities A and B must be completed before activity C can start. Activity C requires six weeks to complete. Activities B, C and D must be completed before Activity E can start. Activity E requires two weeks. Activity F takes four weeks and can start as soon as activity C is completed. Activity E must be completed before Activity G starts. Activity G requires three weeks. Activities F and G must be completed for the project to be completed. Which activities have float available? (407)
a) Activity F has one week float
b) Activity A has eight weeks float
c) There is no float available in the project
d) Activity A has two weeks float, Activity F has one week
55. All of the following are reasons to terminate a contract EXCEPT: (1180)
a) Material breach
b) Nonpayment
c) Default
d) Breach
56. A trend report was given to the project manager, who reacted to the report by investigating what activity or activities had not been done, but should have been done, to date. What did the report show? (1288)
a) The budget at completion (BAC) was higher than planned.
b) The cost performance index (CPI) was 0.8 and the scheduled performance index (SPI) was 1.2.
c) The schedule performance index (SPI) was 1.3 and the estimated completion (EAC) was greater than planned.
d) Actual cost was below planned and scheduled progress was less than planned.
57. A stakeholder's engagement assessment matrix can be used to identify: (1639)
a) Communication gaps
b) Skill levels of stakeholders
c) Additional stakeholders
d) Key relationship between stakeholders
58. The project manager is having a very difficult time keeping the project schedule on track. The project requires 220 people to complete it. All the project problems have been fixed to the project manager's satisfaction, the schedule performance index (SPI) is currently 0.67, the cost performance index (CPI) is 1.26, there are 23 activities on the critical path, and the project PERT duration is 26. Under these circumstances, the monthly status report should report: (79)
a) The issues and options
b) That the project cost is behind budget
c) That the project will be late
d) That the project is doing well
59. Which of the following is correct in regard to the Control Scope process? (364)
e) Effective scope definition can lead to a more complete project scope statement
f) The control scope process must be done before scope planning
g) The control scope process must be integrated with other control processes
h) Controlling the schedule is the most effective way of controlling scope
60. To a project manager, which of the following is the BIGGEST disadvantage of progress reports as compared to watching what is going on in a project, asking questions, and assisting team members? (939)
a) Progress reports require expending time gathering information from stakeholders
b) Progress reports generally show problems after they have occurred
c) Progress reports include information from all the team
d) Progress reports supply information about trends.
61. You are a project manager for a small construction project. Your project was budgeted for USD 72,000 over a six week period. As of today, you have spent USD 22,000 of your budget to complete the work that you originally expected would cost USD 24,000. According to your schedule, you should have spent USD 30,000 by this point. Based on these circumstances, your project could be BEST described as: (655)
a) On budget
b) Under budget
c) Over budget
d) Not having enough information provided
62. At the end of a project, a project management output for the organization should be: (1572)
a) Improved requirements
b) Improved processes
c) Improved quality
d) Work package composition standards
63. You get a call from the procurement manager who tells you the shipment of goods just received from a seller does not meet the requirements of the contract. You look at the shipment yourself and determine that the shipment meets the needs of the project. What should you do NEXT? (1140)
a) Expect to receive a claim from the seller
b) Issue a change order to change the contract specifications
c) Send the shipment back
d) Accept the shipment
64. The project manager has noticed there have been a lot of changes in the project. This was not considered to be a problem until one day he discovers he cannot determine how many scope changes are currently being reviewed. This problem indicates an error in which of the following? (1314)
a) Change control system and project scope management plan
b) Lack of a change control board and constrained optimization
c) A poor change configuration system and benefit analysis
d) Plan purchases and acquisitions and requirements gathering
65. While completing the Plan Human Resource Management Process on your project, you visited the functional manager of engineering many times, but she refused to provide resources for the project. First, the excuse was that her department was too busy. The next time, the department was undergoing a re--organization. This is causing your project to slip the schedule. Which of the following is the most probable reason for her lack of support? (564)
a) The priority of the project has increased
b) The project does not have a project charter and the functional manger was not involved in approving the project management plan
c) The project schedule network diagram was not time phased
d) The WBS did not include all resources needed on the project
66. A seller submits an invoice that is outside the funding limit reconciliation completed during project planning. What is the LEAST likely cause?(1370)
a) Equipment was received earlier than planned
b) An activity has taken longer to complete than planned
c) There was a cost increase to the successor activity of a critical path activity
d) The critical path was fast tracked during project planning
67. According to the project manager's earned value (EV) analysis of a software development project on June first, the cost performance index (CPI) computed to 1.0 and the scheduled variants (SV) is 0. On June third, the banks of a nearly river overflowed and flooded the development computer room, shutting down operations for two weeks. This project has been struck by a(n): (1042)
a) Known unknown risk
b) Secondary risk
c) Unknown unknown risk
d) Foreseen risk
68. While preparing your risk responses, you realize you need to make adjustments to the project to compensate for unknown risk events. These adjustments are based on your past project experience when unknown risk events occurred and knocked the project off track. What should you do? (71)
a) Determine the unknown risk events and the associated cost, then add the cost to the project budget as reserves
b) Include a management reserve in the budget to compensate for the unknown risk, and notify management to expect unknown risk to occur
c) Document the unknown risk items and calculate the expected monetary value based on the probability and impact that may result from the occurrence
d) With the stakeholders, determine a percentage of the known risk budget to allocate to a management reserve budget
69. Objectives documented in the project charter should:(1524)
a) Be measurable
b) Relate to the project scope
c) Be broad enough to ensure all the stakeholders are satisfied
d) Be free from risk
70. Your boss is worried about the project schedule. There is a critical deliverable due to the federal government in two weeks. If you miss the date deliverable, you could lose the entire contract. To help reduce your boss' stress, you show him the earned value calculations you just completed. They show your cost performance index (CPI) is 1.25, your actual cost (AC) is 400 million and your planned value is USD 490 million. Should your boss be comfortable? (1470)
a) No, your CPI is too high
b) Yes, your SPI is 1.05
c) He needs more data
d) Yes, your SV is $ 10 million
71. You are a project manager leading a $ 300 million chemical engineering project. To date you have been leading the other 11 people who comprise the overall project team. Lately you have noticed hat you are spread too thin and the schedule is being negatively impacted. Because the project is date constrained, you convince senior management to accept a cost variance and add a senior quality assurance analyst to the project team. This new resource will work directly with the three project team members who comprise the testing sub--team. How many more communication channels will there be on the project team? (924)
a) 66
b) 78
c) 12
d) 11
72. A project manager has just been assigned to a new project and has been given the approved project charter. The FIRST thing the project manager must do is: (276)
a) Create a project scope statement
b) Analyze project risk
c) Begin work on a project management plan
d) Confirm which stakeholders had input to the scope
73. The six--month project has 300 work packages and a $ 600,000 budget. Three months into the project, 150 packages are complete and $300,000 has been spent. Which of the following is CORRECT? (1324)
a) The project is on time and on budget
b) The project manager should reevaluate cost performance but not worry about time
c) The project needs 50 more work packages to be completed on time
d) There is not enough information
74. Which of the following is ALWAYS a stakeholder? (7)
a) A person who does not want the project to be completed
b) A person who might lose his or her position in the company because of the project
c) An assembly line worker who will use the product of the project
d) A functional manager from the engineering department
75. The project for the accounting department has been going well when the company says it must reduce the cost of the project without changing the quality requirements. The project manager has looked to trim any resources, paid more attention to risk on upcoming activates, and even has reduced product scope, but the project remains over the new budget limit. Which of the following should the project manager do NEXT: (1300)
a) Get an extension of time
b) Cut 10% off the cost estimate of each remaining activity
c) Review expensive customer requirements that add the least benefit
d) Suggest the project be terminated
76. In project initiating, the project manager is collecting everything required to initiate the new project. He obtains historical information, high--level stakeholder needs, information on how the project fits with the organization's strategic goals, what is included in the project, and what constitutes success. Which of the following is NOT something he has forgotten to consider? (1522)
a) Rough order of magnitude estimates
b) Constraints and assumptions
c) Initial project organization
d) What to purchase
77. You have been working on a nine--month project for six months. The project is ahead of schedule when one of the functional managers tells you the resources committed to the project are no longer available. After checking further, you discover the company has just started another project and is using the resources committed to your project. You believe the new project is not critical, but the project manager is the son of a board member. What is the BEST cause of action in this situation? (73)
a) Use the reserve to hire contractors to complete the work
b) Ask the project management office to formally prioritize the projects
c) Negotiate a new schedule with the other project manager
d) Determine when resources will become available
78. Which of the following is the BEST was to describe the outputs of the identified risk process? (989)
a) A list of triggers
b) An understanding of the project risk
c) A list of risk
d) A list of the risk owners
79. A stakeholder complains that the project did not increase the department's knowledge of Java programming and therefore, the project is not complete. The customer has accepted the project. The project manager determines that all standard requirements and deliverables have been met. He does not find evidence that Java programming was a requirement. A review of project correspondence shows no mention of the deliverable. The project manager should: (67)
a) Being project closure
b) Get the project stakeholders involved to help resolve the issue
c) Meet with the team to discuss the issue and find a resolution
d) Replan the project to include the new objective
80. Integrated change control is related to stakeholder management in that: (1617)
a) Change requests regarding stakeholder management are approved or rejected in the Control Stakeholder Management process
b) Requested changes are an input to Control Stakeholder Engagement
c) Approved change requests are documented in the change log during Plan Stakeholder Management
d) Requested changes are an output of Manage Stakeholder Engagement