What is the best data type for student id

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM132134676

Can someone help me please with those question

1:what is the best data type for student id


2:which relationshipis preferable?

one to one,one to many,many to many

3:if you add table A's primary key to table B what is that field called in table B

text,entity,attribute,foreign key ,none of bove

4:what is raw in database also called?

Equation,feild,record,attribute,none of bove

5:what is primary key called when there are tow feilds combined to create it

compound or composite primary key,multi-primary key,Expounded primary key,none of bove

6:what is an attribute in databases?

a feild,a row,a table,none of bove,all of bove

7:which of the following would no be an entity in a database?

employee ,universty of colorado denver id ,product,other

8:is it preferdable to have a primary key that is a number or a charcter feild?

number , chracter dosent matter

Reference no: EM132134676

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