What is the best business model for the small business

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM132454109

Assignment : Business Models

What is the best business model for the small business or startup you have chosen? In one page, outline at least three different business models and then select the best model for your business. 

Write a one page outline in which you:

Briefly describe three different business models.

Select the best business model for your business.

Create a short statement explaining why the business model you have chosen is the best model for your business. Give at least three supporting facts for your choice.

Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:

Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, your name, your professor's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Examine the process of innovating and developing ideas and business opportunities.

Analyze different innovative business models to determine the best model for a specific venture.

Analyze the management of a successful innovative company.

Use technology and information resources to research issues in entrepreneurship.

Write clearly and concisely about entrepreneurship using proper writing mechanics.

Reference no: EM132454109

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