What is the benefit to surgery

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133604574


A 22-year-old woman is brought to the ER. She is complaining of a headache and on examination the physician notes a rapid, repetitive, horizontal beating motion of both eyes when she gazes to the right or left. What is the benefit to surgery?



Reference no: EM133604574

Questions Cloud

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Identify a local advanced practice registered nurses : Identify a local advanced practice registered nurses (APRN) organization in the State of Texas that would be beneficial to join.
Key factors to differentiate the two different diagnosis : As a provider how would you diagnose a patient with bursitis vs. a septic joint? What are some key factors to differentiate the two different diagnosis'?
Why is doctor not advising patients to do yearly pap smears : Why not the actual patient on the topic to see their understanding of cervical cancer? Why is the doctor not advising patients to do yearly pap smears?
What is the benefit to surgery : She is complaining of a headache and on examination the physician notes a rapid, repetitive, horizontal beating motion of both eyes when she gazes to the right.
What should this tell the practitioner about the patient : Upon review of the patient's chart, it is noted that the patient has an acute sinusitis and a history of epistaxis.
Discuss the mother-baby dyad : Based on your clinical patient, discuss the mother-baby dyad and how it impacts care on the patient that you were assigned to.
What behavioral mechanisms maintain that behavior : What behavioral mechanisms maintain that behavior? Put another way, what are the behavioral mechanisms that support "ruinous empathy"; and finally.
Describe the cultural specific healing practices : Who in the family unit for this culture makes the medical decisions? Describe the cultural specific healing practices?


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