Reference no: EM133286681
1. What is the basic idea of mercantile capitalism?
2. How does a joint stock company help build/expand an economy (ie, what are its rewards)?
- What are the risks of the kind of investment created by joint stock companies?
3. What is industrial capitalism?
- Why did the fact industrial capitalism started in Britain impact a culture of capitalism in America?
4. The video says that "Capitalism is also a cultural system, rooted in the need of private investors to turn a profit." Please explain this idea
5. What were the capitalist values that people developed from the 16th century onward (facilitated by higher wages, more/cheaper food, and less work available on farms)?
6. The video discusses ideas you've come across in previous lessons: that "the individual" is a relatively new concept, and that "men and women are consumers as well as producers." Please explain how these ideas are not necessarily inherent to human nature, but have shaped our modern world and ways of thinking nonetheless:
7. Opinion: based on what you've seen and observed in your own life, do you think capitalism as a version of a market-based economic system is more good than bad? or vice versa?