Reference no: EM132988566
A random sample of Toronto residents was asked, "On a five point scale where "1" is "not at all interested" and "5" is "very interested", please indicate your level of interest in the Pan Am
Groups Count Sum Average Variance
Downtown 30 115 3.833333333 2.074712644
West 17 45 2.647058824 1.742647059
East 34. 82 2.411764706 2.613190731
North 22 65 2.954545455 1.093073593
Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 34.72230587 3 11.57410196 5.809383092 0.001064993 2.696468997
Within Groups 197.2388592 99 1.992311709
Total 231.961165 102
What is the average interest level in west Toronto?
What is the standard deviation for north Toronto?
Construct a hypothesis test. What can we conclude from the above table?
If you had access to the raw data, what would you do?