Reference no: EM131301069
You can use either Latex (and SWeave) or RMarkdown for this assignment.
There are two, and only two deliverables.
1. A single *.Rnw file which will contain all the code used to obtain the data, make any need calculations and answer all questions.
2. A single pdf showing the answers to all questions. All knitr code chunks should be visible and each question should be numbered.
Q1. Find the 2015 Cricket World Cup venue with the largest capacity.
i. Use rvest to read in the Venues table.
ii. Show the name of the venue with the largest capacity.
iii. Include all code in a code chunk name q1
iv. Use \Sexpr or the equivalent for RMarkdown inline R code output to display the following sentence:
v. "The 2015 Cricket World Cup venue with the largest capacity was _."
vi. Insert the correct venue name in the blank
Q2. The American Community Survey distributes downloadable data about United States communities.
i. Download the 2006 microdata survey about housing for the state of Idaho using download.file() from here:
ii. and load the data into R. The code book, describing the variable names is here:
iii. How many properties are worth $1,000,000 or more?
iv. Your answer should include all code needed to download the data and calculate the results in a knitr chunk named Q2.
v. The text of your answer should be, "The answer to Q2 is .
vi. The output should use \Sexpr or the equivalent for RMarkdown inline R code output to fill in the blank.
Q3. Load the Gross Domestic Product data for the 190 ranked countries in this data set:
i. What is the average GDP ranking for the "High income: OECD" and "High income: nonOECD" group?
You can see which countries are OECD and Non-OECD from this file:
ii. Your answer should include all code needed to download the data and calculate the results in a knitr chunk named Q3.
iii. The text of your answer should be, "The answer to Q3 is ."
iv. The output should use \Sexpr or the equivalent for RMarkdown inline R code output to fill in the 2 blanks.
Q4. Load the chinainet.csv data from Reggienet.
i. Create a bar chart showing the number of broadband users in China for the first and last years in the data set.
2000 is the first year with data.
ii. Your answer should include all code needed to download the data and display the bar chart in a knitr chunk named Q4.
It is not required, but I encourage you to use ggplot to create your bar chart.
Q5. Load the ncaa.txt data from ReggieNet. This is a list of tweets that contain @OhioStateFB or @UMichFootball.
i. Create a bar chart showing the number of tweets containing "@OhioStateFB" and the number containing "@UMichFootball".
iii. Your answer should include all code needed to download the data and display the bar chart in a knitr chunk named Q5.
It is not required, but I encourage you to use ggplot to create your bar chart.
Q6. Recreate the Percent of Primary Care Physicians Selecting Immunization Menu Measure without Exclusion bar chart:
Note: the data is just below the chart.
i. Your answer should include all code needed to download the data and display the bar chart in a knitr chunk named Q6.
It is not required, but I encourage you to use ggplot to create your bar chart.
Q7. High paying IT jobs
i. Obtain data from the BLS showing salaries for Computer and Mathematical Occupations:
ii. Which Metropolitan area pays the highest for computer and mathematical occupations?
iii. Your answer should include all code needed to download the data and calculate the results in a knitr chunk named Q7.
iv. The text of your answer should be, "The answer to Q7 is "
v. The output should use \Sexpr or the equivalent for RMarkdown inline R code output to fill in the blank.
Q8. Internet users in Africa
There are two ways to answer this question. Please read all instructions before deciding which method you want to use.
First method:
From the Bloomberg article above, answer the following questions:
Second method:
From the data file q8.csv on ReggieNet, answer the following questions:
i. How many internet users are there in Africa?
ii. What is the internet penetration rate for Africa?
iii. What is the internet penetration rate for the rest of the world?
iv. Your answer should include all code needed to download the data and calculate the results in a knitr chunk named Q8.
v. The text of your answer should be, "The answer to Q8 is ____%___%"
vi. The output should use \Sexpr or the equivalent for RMarkdown inline R code output to fill in the blanks.
Extra Credit.
You can use the quantmod package to get historical stock prices for publicly traded companies on the NASDAQ and NYSE.
i. Use the following code to download data on Amazon's stock price and get the times the data was sampled.
amzn = getSymbols("AMZN",auto.assign=FALSE) sampleTimes = index(amzn)
i. How many values were collected in 2012? How many values were collected on Mondays in 2012?
ii. Your answer should include all code needed to download the data and calulate the results in a knitr chunk named Q3.
iii. The text of your answer should be, "The answer to the extra credit is ___, ___.
iv. The output should use \Sexpr or the equivalent for RMarkdown inline R code output to fill in the 2 blanks.