What is the australian consumer law

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Reference no: EM133593061

Process customer complaints

Knowledge Assessment (Written Tasks)

Question 1. What information should be recorded about complaints?

Question 2. How might this information be used?

Question 3. Why it is important to protect customer privacy?

Question 4. How would you deal with a customer who felt their privacy had been breached?

Question 5. Think of a time when you had a poor experience with an organisation, which resulted in a complaint.
1. Briefly describe the concern. How did the organisation respond to your complaint?
2. Based on your learning from this unit how would you suggest the organisation improve their performance?

Question 6. Read the following case study and write down your answers to the questions.

Case study
Belle needs to travel from Melbourne to Bangkok for business for a week. She emails Maureen, the office manager, to ask her to book her a flight that arrives on the Sunday and leaves on the friday. Maureen emails the itinerary to Belle once the ticket is booked.

When Belle turns up at airport to check in, the check-in clerk tells her that she was scheduled to fly out on the flight that left at 12.10 am that day. Belle checks her itinerary and realises this is what she approved. She realises it is her error, because the flight she wanted to take in fact leaves very early Saturday morning, and she told Maureen to book her the Friday flight.
Belle has the following conversation with the check-in clerk, Aman.
Belle: Oh dear. I've told my office manager the wrong date. Is there any way I can catch this flight? Aman: You are not booked on this flight Because you missed your flight without advising us, you need to buy a new ticket.
Belle: What? I can't do that My company won't approve it and I really need to get home. Surely these kinds of mistakes happen all the time.
Aman looks past Belle's shoulder, and sighs impatiently.
Aman: You should be more careful when you check your booking. If you book the wrong ticket, it's not our fault. Can you step aside? There are people waiting. You can buy a new ticket at that counter over there.
Belle: But I fly with you all the time! Surely you can make an exception? I demand to speak with your manager.

1. How might Aman have approached this differently?

2. Write a conversation between Belle and Aman, which shows how the conversation
may be more appropriately handled. Include some examples of body language s to show which Aman might display Belle.

Question 7. HOW Can a well-handled complaint provide an opportunity for an organisation?

Question 8. A commonly quoted fact of customer service is, 'An upset customer tells 10 people about their experience. A completely satisfied customer only tells four people'.
a) How should you handle a complaint well to improve an organisation's
b) How can a poorly handled complaint negatively impact on business?

Question 9. Why is it important to know when to refer customer complaints? Provide two examples where referrals may be an appropriate course of action.

Question 10. What sort of information should you provide when referring a complaint?

Question 11 Read the case study and write down your responses to tasks that follow.
Case study
Betty works for an electrical goods distributor. At lunchtime one day, she receives a call from Mark Brown, a manager at one of the stores they supply. Mark is not happy, as an air the conditioner he ordered specially for one of his regular customers has not turned up in the delivery as promised. Betty tells Mark that she will ensure the air conditioner is in the next delivery, which he will receive next day. Mark is Unhappy, but agrees to contact his customer and explain the delay.

Betty emails Jo, the warehouse manager, and explains it's critical the air conditioner is delivered the next day. Jo explains that it's not possible, as the air conditioner is out of stock and they will not receive supply until next week. Betty realizes she needs to call Mark and she knows he will already have contacted his customer

a) What should have done when she first received Mark's call?
b) Write a summary of the information Betty could prepare for Jo to refer the concern to him.
c) What should Betty do after referring the complaint to Jo?
d) What Procedures would you recommend distributor introduce to prevent a recurrence of this complaint?

Question 12. What is the Australian Consumer Law?

Question 13. What does the Australian Consumer Law cover?

Question 14. Who does the Australian Consumer Law apply to?

Question 15. When working with customers what legislation and regulations become relevant in regards to their right? List 2.

Task 1 - Customer Complaint Role Play

With a partner, brainstorm several 'angry customer' scenarios. From the list, choose one scenario that you and your partner can use for a role play. You are going to write two scripts involving this scenario. One script should show how not to handle a customer complaint, and the other should show how to properly handle the same complaint.

Wrong Way: Using the chosen scenario, write a script of the customer complaint. The script shout be written in conversation format. One of you will be a customer and one of you will be the customer service employee. The script should give specific details of the complaint and the employee reaction to the complaint. In this role play, you should write and show how not to handle the customer's complaint.


Customer I can't believe that loud mouth salesperson talked me into buying these dumb shoes. I wore these shoes one time and my feet hurt for days.

Employee: Well, you must be dumb to get talked into buying dumb shoes.'(conversation would then continue)

Right Way. Using the chosen scenario, write a script of the customer complaint. The script should be written in conversation format. One of you will be a customer and one of you will be the customer service employee. The script should give specific details of the complaint and the employee reaction to the complaint. In this role play, you should write and show how to properly handle the customer's complaint.


Customer `I can't believe that loud mouth salesperson talked me into buying these dumb shoes. I wore these shoes one time and my feet hurt for days.

'Employee 'Sir, I am truly sorry that you are upset and your feet hurt Could you please tell me which shoes you are referring to?'(conversation would then continue)

Reference no: EM133593061

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