What is the argument for public investment in ece

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Reference no: EM133413375


•What is the argument for public investment in ECE?
•What is fragmentation, why is it bad?
•Where do young children participate in ECE? What settings are of higher quality?
•What are serve & return interactions and how do they support brain growth?
•What are the two goals ECE policy works towards, and how are they in tension?
•What is Heckman's argument for ECE & how do we see it in modern ECE policy?
•What are Perry/ABC and why were they so influential?
•When are opportunity gaps first visible in young children?
•Based on Heckman's research, which is likely to be more effective: an after school theater program for middle schoolers, or a college belongingness program for transfer students?
•Which is bigger: the formal sector or the informal sector?
•Which has on average higher quality: the formal sector or informal sector?
•Which program temporarily provided universal child care?
•There are two policies that help families pay for child care: one for families with moderate to high incomes and one for families with low incomes... what is each called?
• What do we know about the effectiveness of Head Start and state pre-k? Here especially consider data from the HSIS and TNVPK.
• What has happened to ECE quality as access to ECE (especially publicly-funded ECE) has increased?
• What does access to center-based care look like for families who have low incomes, families who speak two languages, etc. What are the implications for opportunity gaps?
• What is quality? What is the relationship between structural quality, process quality, and development?
• Why do policymakers regulate structural but not process quality?
• What is fadeout and why are policymakers concerned about it? Why might we see fadeout but also see long term benefits?
• What does early educator compensation look like and what are the implications for children and families? For opportunity gaps?
Which of the following families is most likely to use center based care  for their 9 month old?

•Choose 1: Since 1980, the gap between high- and low- income children's participation in formal, center-based care has
Which of the following policies prioritizes quality over access?
•Which of these families is most likely to use center based care for their 4 year old?
•Which of the following is a regulation based policy solution targeting ECE quality?
Which of the following studies showed evidence of fadeout? Select all that apply.
Which of the following is not an example of a structural quality measure?  Based on the Child Trends reading, describe families who do not
typically access center-based care for their 9-month-olds. Use at least 3 family characteristics. Why might this be a concern from an the perspective of opportunity gaps? In class we discussed how as access to ECE has increased, the quality
of ECE settings has decreased (on average). List the four components of quality we discussed in class, and explain how you would go about improving one of these components. Is this a regulatory or market based strategy?
Describe fadeout in one of the two recent experimental studies that have shown fadeout. Explain one hypothesis scientists have about why we might see long term impacts, even if fadeout eixsts.

Teacher turnover is higher in ECE than in K-12 settings. In what formal setting is turnover the highest? Explain one reason why turnover might have a negative impact on children.

Reference no: EM133413375

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