What is the approximate total value of financial investments

Assignment Help Engineering Mathematics
Reference no: EM131456472

Question: Young Professional magazine was developed for a target audience of recent college gradu-ates who are in their first 10 years in a business/professional career. In its two years of pub-lication, the magazine has been fairly successful. Now the publisher is interested in expanding the magazine's advertising base. Potential advertisers continually ask about the demographics and interests of subscribers to Young Professional. To collect this information, the magazine commissioned a survey to develop a profile of its subscribers. The sur-vey results will be used to help the magazine choose articles of interest and provide advertisers with a profile of subscribers. As a new employee of the magazine, you have been asked to help analyze the survey results. Some of the survey questions follow:

1. What is your age?

2. Are you: Male Female

3. Do you plan to make any real estate purchases in the next two years? Yes No

4. What is the approximate total value of financial investments, exclusive of your home, owned by you or members of your household?

5. How many stock/bond/mutual fund transactions have you made in the past year?

6. Do you have broadband access to the Internet at home? Yes No

7. Please indicate your total household income last year.

8. Do you have children? Yes No

The file entitled Professional contains the responses to these questions. Table shows the portion of the file pertaining to the first five survey respondents.


Reference no: EM131456472

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