What is the approach of this advertisement

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Reference no: EM131088820

1. Why did Maria move to Rocinha?

She wanted to own multiple properties and rent some out, which was impossible back home.
She wanted to be a waitress rather than work in the fields.
There were no jobs at home and her brother seemed to be doing well in Rocinha.
She wanted to get away from her brother

2. How does Eric Obuh see scavenging work in the Lagos dump? Choose the BEST answer.

as a sad existence
as a stark indicator of his Nigerian poverty
as normal as an office job
as an opportunity to fund his dreams

3. How does the author characterize government and NGO attempts to interact with the favelas?

as disgraceful intrusions
as negligible toe-dipping
as top-down affairs
as community-empowered initiatives

4. Which of the following do the "bailes" in Rocinha BEST represent?

the state of capitalism in Brazil
the difficulty of favela life
the communal aspect of Rocinha life
the hollowness of partying

5. According to the author's account, which of the following statements about Rocinha is true?

It is very difficult to make an honest living in Rocinha.
Everyone in Rocinha is desperately poor.
Life in Rocinha is sleepy and slow.
Rocinha began as an illegal squatter community.

6. How does Jane describe the cycle of poverty for girls who don't go on to secondary school?

If they are not in school the girls will be pregnant within a year or two and unable to provide for themselves and their baby.
With only a primary school education, the girls are unable to educate their own children.
Without a secondary education, the girls are unable to get high paying jobs.
If they are not in school, the girls will move away from home, further depleting their villages of a labor force.

7. Which of the following is true about Malawi?

(under "Economy" ) The majority of the Malawian labor force works in industry and services.
(under "People and Society") It is one of the top 25nations in the world in number of HIV/AIDS deaths.
(under "People and Society") More than half of its population lives in urban environments.
(under "Geography") It is located in northern Africa and borders the sea

8. Which of the following is one of the indicators of human development used to determine the Human Development Index?

short-term income for individual
so expected years of schooling
the rate of sickness and disease
access to fresh water

9. Which of the following statements describing China's trajectory is true?

Income falls with literacy until 2000, when it finally stabilizes.
The relationship between income and literacy remains exactly the same in the country from 1982 to 2010.
Income rises at about the same rate as literacy until 1999, when the country hit 90 percent literacy; thereafter, income rises much faster than literacy.
Income rises at about the same rate as literacy until 1990, when the country hit 90 percent literacy; thereafter, literacy rises much faster t an income

10. Which of the following is true about India?

(under "Government") It is organized administratively into 30 states and nine union territories.
(under "Economy") Nearly half of India's labor force works in agriculture.
(under "People and Society") The majority of its population is Muslim.
(under "Geography") Its land area is about two million square kilometers.

11. Which of the following statements summarizes the views of "health trap" skeptics?

Health issues are overrated in discussions about poverty.
It is not obvious whether poverty is caused by malaria or by cholera
It is the responsibility of NGOs, not local governments, to tackle health issues in developing countries.
It is not obvious whether poverty is caused by poor health or by poor governance.

12. Which of the following statements summarizes Rosling's view on what constitutes a "developing" country?

Only countries with low literacy can be considered "developing."
Asia and Africa are always poor, and Europe and North America are always rich.
In terms of economic progress, each country falls on a very long continuum of development.
There should only be two designations for countries: "developed" and "developing."

13. What did the studies of bed net recipients through the TAMTAM program reveal about usage rates and bed net cost?

Usage rates went down when bed nets were given out for free.
Usage rates went down when bed nets were purchases at subsidized prices.
Whether or not bed nets were given out for free or purchased at subsidized prices had little effect on usage.
Usage rates went up when bed nets given out for free

14. Which of the following sentences summarizes the authors' thoughts on the impact of "faith" on people's health decision-making process?

Choose the BEST answer.
Local leaders who instill bad faith in citizens are responsible for their citizens' poverty and poor health.
People's willingness to accept different health care options is limited by their faith in the ability of these various options to help.
A lack of faith that medicine does any good at all hampers many people's health.
Faith can easily be overcome for most people, leading to better health care outcomes

15. Which of the following is cited as a benefit of the health investments suggested by the authors?

lower wages
stronger democracy
reduced illness and death
decreased rates of education

16. Which of the following is a common complaint made by critics of modern development, regardless of their ideological position? Choose the BEST answer.

Poor countries' attempts to better themselves aren't necessarily bad, but the form modern development has taken is.
The United Nations has consistently screwed up good development programs.
Developing countries need more intervention from developed countries.
The developing world is perfect as is, and should stay that way forever

17. What is the approach of this advertisement? Choose the BEST answer.

to show off the charity's celebrity connections
to appeal to viewers' emotions
to shame viewers into giving
to educate viewers about Ethiopia's concrete plan for long term well maintenance

18. What distinction does Moyo draw between the Marshall Plan and typical development programs?

The Marshall Plan focused on food issues, but most development programs now focus on economic issues.
The Marshall Plan was implemented in Europe, whereas most aid programs are implemented in Asia and Africa.
The Marshall Plan was administered during the 1940s and 1950s, and things have changed a lot since then.
The Marshall Plan was a reconstruction program, not a development program.

19. How do the Peace Corps volunteers featured in this report describe their experience?

as an opportunity to do charity
as an opportunity to play and party abroad
as an opportunity to improve and learn about the world
as an opportunity to further American interests

20. Which of the following beliefs does Illich credit for motivating American volunteers to go to Mexico and help? Choose the BEST answer.

the idea that poor places in the world must become modern
the idea that the American way of life is indisputably best and, as a result, should be shared with the rest of the world
the idea that people in every part of the American continent North, Central, and South America should unite to build a better world
the idea that charity is required by Christianity and must be carried out by all believers

21. Which of the following statements about Chile's economic progress is true?

It has one of the world's most closed economies.
It has brought high wages to all sectors of the economy.
It has the lowest poverty rate in Latin America.
It has gone from debtor to creditor nation

22. Which of the following BEST describes Rwanda's postwar development program?

expanded access to microloans
an acceleration in foreign investment
expanded state control of the economy
an increase in subsidies for staple crops such as coffee

23. What problem with the "scarf project" is underscored in the text? Choose the BEST answer.

There is no market for Rwandanmade scarves in the developed world.
Price shocks on wool have made profitability fluctuate wildly.
Its sustainability is questionable.
Few Rwandans know how to knit.

24. Which of the following statements about India's recent information technology (IT) boom is true?

The IT boom has brought India to the very top of the development ladder.
IT jobs are significantly better than lows killed industrial labor jobs or farm jobs.
Few women have been benefiting from the IT boom.

The IT boom has occurred despite minimal connections with foreign countries. What does Sachs attribute China's economic reversal of fortune to?

25. Which of the following is a reason given by the author for the reduction in the number of children born to Bangladeshi women?

New job opportunities in Dhaka have empowered women, giving them more control over how many children they will have and when they will have them.
Village elders have come to demand daughters in the village have fewer children.
The Bangladeshi government has waged a successful public relations campaign against having too many children.
Working in garment factories leaves women with no time to have children

26. Return back to the PDF page that breaks down MDGs success by region, "Millennium Development Goals: 2012 Progress Chart." Most of the world's progress toward Goal 1 has been made in which region?

Western Asia
SubSaharan Africa
Latin America & Caribbean
Eastern Asia

27. Which of the following statements regarding progress toward meeting this goal is true?

More women are a part of the wage-earning non-agricultural workforce than were a part in 1990.
Women are just as likely to own a business as men.
Girls are enrolled in secondary school at higher rates than boys.
Women are less likely to find vulnerable (temporary) employment than men

28. No one speaker or article can resolve such a complicated issue as development, but Novogratz reminds us of a few key points. Which of the following statements would she most likely agree with?

Change is possible, but will not occur overnight, and it will require a lot of informed actions by millions of people.
There is no hope the developing world will stay undeveloped as long as its people choose to be poor.
Getting people to change is easy the developed world just needs to be more forceful.
The solution to poverty is not hard to figure out: the world needs more highly trained experts to lead poor countries.

29. Which region has the fewest rectangles shaded green, indicating it has had the least amount of success of all world regions?

Sub-Saharan Africa
Southern Asia
Western Asia

30. Which of the following is one of the Millennium Development Goals?

securing equal rights for women
penalizing developed countries for consuming so many resources
advocating for prison reform
advancing scientific knowledge

Reference no: EM131088820

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