What is the antidote for a vitamin a overdose

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Reference no: EM132340344

Nutrition in Action

The Ultimate Healing System by Donald Lepore

1.    Which of the following herbs is high in chromium?
a.    cornsilk
b.    comfrey
c.    kelp
d.    both B & C
e.    all of the above

2.    What mineral is primarily found in the liver and kidneys and is antagonistic to copper?
a.    selenium
b.    phosphorus
c.    selenium
d.    zinc
e.    molybdenum

3.    Calcium is essential for proper heart action and normal clotting of the blood.
a.    true
b.    false

4.    Zinc is more effective when taken with ___.
a.    vitamin  A
b.    copper
c.    calcium
d.    phosphorus
e.    all of the above

5.    What is the antidote for a vitamin A overdose?
a.    zinc
b.    iron
c.    vitamin C
d.    calcium
e.    vitamin E

6.    Which of the following accelerates herpes growth?
a.    tyrosine
b.    taurine
c.    lysine
d.    arginine
e.    carnitine

7.    Licorice, cornsilk and jojoba are high in chromium.
a.    true
b.    false

8.    Which of the following is not a goal of Dr. Lepore's MRT?
a.    measure the needed support nutrients which are catalysts to assist in the absorption of the antidote
b.    pinpoint the metabolic antagonist
c.    measure the needed nutritional antidote
d.    diagnose diseases
e.    all of the above

9.    Steel cut oats, sunflower seeds, milk, cheese, carrots, beet tops and green vegetables are all organic sources of ___.
a.    germanium
b.    iron
c.    iodine
d.    fluorine
e.    none of the above

10.    Zinc and iron levels must be balanced or iron will not be absorbed by the body and cause a deficiency of red blood cells, which could result in anemia.
a.    true
b.    false

11.    Which of the following influence the genes within the human organism and is especially good for removing heavy metallic contaminants from the blood?
a.    sarsaparilla
b.    elecampagne
c.    yucca
d.    yarrow
e.    saw palmetto

12.    According to the author, exercising and supplementing with herbs will help diabetics burn up excess sugar.
a.    true
b.    false

13.    Potassium is the second most abundant mineral in the body.
a.    true
b.    false

14.    Chlorine compounds such as sodium chloride, or salt, are found primarily in fluids outside of the cell.
a.    true
b.    false

15.    The D classification of amino acids stands for dexyrorotational, meaning they bend polarized light to the left and are usually synthetic.
a.    true
b.    false

16.    What supplement is suggested to counteract the side effects of a novacaine shot received during a dental visit?
a.    pantothenic acid
b.    potassium
c.    calcium
d.    vitamin C
e.    vitamin B12

17.    Magnesium and orange juice over time will dissolve kidney stones and allow them to pass through the body.
a.    true
b.    false

18.    Which of the following is a benefit of black cohosh?
a.    neutralizes toxins in the blood
b.    natural sedative
c.    ability to normalize blood pressure
d.    contains natural estrogen
e.    all of the above

19.    If the tongue touches the roof of the mouth during a test, it will short-circuit the electromagnetic field to the acupuncture points and the test will not be accurate.
a.    true
b.    false

20.    Insufficient iron can cause poor circulation of the blood and lymphatic system, leading to an excessive build up of estrogen in the body.
a.    true
b.    false

21.    What is it called when bones begin to knit together so there is stiffness in the joints?
a.    chelation
b.    osteoporosis
c.    degenerative arthritis
d.    rheumatoid arthritis
e.    osteo arthritis

22.    ___ can be used to assist in arresting excessive bleeding after child birth and will stop internal hemorrhaging, especially bleeding of the lungs, colon, bladder, kidneys and hemorrhoids.
a.    Elderberry
b.    Goldenseal
c.    Elecampagne
d.    Shepherd's purse
e.    Elderflower

23.    Zinc, Pau d'arco, comfrey, lysine, vitamin B6, red clover and vitamin B1 are antidotes to which allergy?
a.    yeast allergy
b.    rice allergy
c.    sulfur allergy
d.    wheat allergy
e.    milk allergy

24.    Arthritis can be caused by a deficiency in phosphorus.
a.    true
b.    false

25.    What mineral moves glucose from the blood into the cells and helps with proper sugar metabolism in the body?
a.    germanium
b.    magnesium
c.    chromium
d.    fluorine
e.    none of the above

26.    Essential amino acids cannot be produced by the body.
a.    true
b.    false

27.    What mineral enhances the effectiveness of vitamin B12?    
a.    sodium
b.    folic acid
c.    calcium
d.    potassium
e.    all of the above

28.    Which of the following is a method of getting rid of inorganic aluminum from the body?
a.    neutralize the metabolic antagonist
b.    Kreb's cycle
c.    use a nutritional antidote
d.    chelation
e.    supplement calcium

29.    Burdock stimulates and nourishes ___ to help adjust the hormone balance in the body.
a.    pituitary glands
b.    hypothalamus glands
c.    adrenal glands
d.    both A & B
e.    all of the above

30.    What is another name for an allergy?
a.    antidote
b.    anti metabolic agent
c.    metabolic antagonist
d.    nutritional antagonist
e.    oxidation

31.    Which mineral is antagonistic to copper and can be used in instances of copper poisoning?
a.    zinc
b.    molybdenum
c.    manganese
d.    phosphorus
e.    potassium

32.    The diastolic number on a blood pressure reading represents the resting phase of the heartbeat.
a.    true
b.    false

33.    Which of the following was used by American Indians as birth control?
a.    elderflower
b.    black cohosh
c.    false unicorn
d.    blue cohosh
e.    wild yam

34.    The effectiveness of vitamin A is diminished by a lack of vitamin D in the body.
a.    true
b.    false

35.    Sodium controls the internal fluids of the cells.
a.    true
b.    false

36.    Copper is more effective when taken with which of the following?
a.    iron
b.    zinc
c.    cobalt
d.    all of the above
e.    none of the above

37.    Which of the following amino acids inhibits appetite by increasing the brain's production of the neurotransmitter norepinephrine?
a.    lysine
b.    arginine
c.    phenylalanine
d.    taurine
e.    carnitine

38.    The MRT for choline is located in the middle of the forehead.
a.    true
b.    false

39.    Which of the following should be used for a headache on top of the head?
a.    wood betony
b.    sodium
c.    choline
d.    potassium
e.    alfalfa

40.    Which of the following can be used as a poultice for burns, boils and skin problems?
a.    buchu
b.    alfalfa
c.    blue vervain
d.    burdock
e.    chickweed

41.    With what other allergy is the wheat allergy associated?    
a.    corn
b.    feathers
c.    wool
d.    all of the above
e.    none of the above

42.    Calcium is the second most abundant mineral in the body.    
a.    true
b.    false

43.    The systolic number on a blood pressure reading is the higher number and represents the pumping phase of the heart.
a.    true
b.    false

44.    Which of the following is found in a rescue remedy?
a.    vervain
b.    rock rose
c.    willow
d.    holly
e.    white oak

45.    All of the following are benefits of vitamin B5 except ___.
a.    stimulates adrenal glands
b.    helps correct painful and burning feet
c.    stops a citrus allergy
d.    regulates the rate of metabolism
e.    corrects hypoglycemia

46.    What prevents the hemoglobin in red blood cells from being damaged by oxidation?
a.    Kreb's cycle
b.    platelets
c.    antioxidants
d.    chelation
e.    white blood cells

47.    Zinc must be present with iron to form hemoglobin.
a.    true
b.    false

48.    What is stage III of the process of respiration by which aerobic cells obtain energy from the oxidation of glucose by molecular oxygen?
a.    neutralize toxins
b.    carbon dioxide elimination
c.    chelation
d.    metabolic antagonist
e.    Kreb's cycle

49.    Folic acid helps prevent premature graying of the hair.
a.    true
b.    false

50.    Which of the following helps to burn fat?
a.    ornithine
b.    arginine
c.    carnitine
d.    all of the above
e.    none of the above

51.    Echinacea is ___.
a.    beneficial in raising the white blood cell count of the body
b.    known as the “king of the blood purifiers”
c.    helpful in the disintegration of serum cholesterol
d.    known to raise the immunity level of the body
e.    all of the above

52.    Which of the following minerals will provoke an allergy to oatmeal and sesame?
a.    selenium
b.    arsenic
c.    iron
d.    bromine
e.    mercury

53.    Celery, Irish moss and dulse are high in sodium.
a.    true
b.    false

54.    According to Dr. Lepore, bronchitis and respiratory problems are caused by a ___ deficiency.
a.    selenium
b.    phosphorus
c.    zinc
d.    potassium
e.    sodium

55.    According to Dr. Schussler, how many different cell salts are required to maintain perfect health in the human body?
a.    3
b.    10
c.    7
d.    12
e.    5

56.    Which of the following can be helped with the supplementation of choline?
a.    reducing blood pressure
b.    hair loss
c.    hardening of the arteries
d.    kidney damage
e.    all of the above

57.    Which of the following is not a sign of selenium toxicity?
a.    amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
b.    loss of hair
c.    bleeding gums
d.    brittle nails
e.    irritability for no known reason

58.    What mineral is an essential part of the hormone thyroxine?
a.    iodine
b.    iron
c.    chlorine
d.    silica
e.    selenium

59.    Which of the following amino acids comprises 80% of seminal fluid, therefore having a direct impact on sterility?
a.    lysine
b.    taurine
c.    phenylalanine
d.    arginine
e.    carnitine

60.    Which vitamin plays an important role in the formation of collagen and repair of tissue cells, as well as helps the body absorb iron andother nutritional substances?
a.    vitamin E
b.    vitamin C
c.    vitamin A
d.    vitamin B12
e.    vitamin D

61.    According to the author, Parkinson’s disease is the result of calcium deficiency relating to the parathyroid gland.
a.    true
b.    false

62.    Which herb does Dr. Lepore describe as the herb kingdom's best nervine?
a.    hawthorn
b.    Irish moss
c.    damiana
d.    horsetail
e.    hops

63.    Raising potassium levels in the body is an antidote for which allergy?
a.    nut allergy
b.    milk allergy
c.    fat allergy
d.    rice allergy
e.    wheat allergy

64.    Essential amino acids can be constructed within the body, chiefly in the liver, by transformation of one amino acid to another.
a.    true
b.    false

65.    According to the author, the common cold is caused by a shortage of what minerals?
a.    potassium, sodium and zinc
b.    zinc, sodium and sulfur
c.    sulfur, copper and sodium
d.    sulfur, sodium and potassium
e.    sodium, copper and zinc

66.    Which MRT is located at the top of the head?
a.    sinus
b.    RNA
c.    pineal gland
d.    thymus gland
e.    pituitary gland

67.    What is essential in the formation of prothrombin?
a.    enzymes
b.    vitamin K
c.    bioflavonoids
d.    carnitine
e.    achilea millefolium

68.    What mineral enables the body to throw off accumulated pus?
a.    phosphorus
b.    zinc
c.    selenium
d.    copper
e.    silicon

69.    Germanium enables the blood's malignant cells to attract oxygen, thereby normalizing them.
a.    true
b.    false

70.    Which of the following amino acids prevents potassium or calcium wasting, particularly during times of stress, weight loss and dieting?
a.    arginine
b.    phenylalanine
c.    taurine
d.    lysine
e.    carnitine

71.    Where is the test point for vitamin E located?
a.    hollow between the left breast muscle and the left shoulder muscle just above the collarbone
b.    area where the left leg comes into the trunk of the body or where the fold where a pants crease would be
c.    hollow between the right breast muscle and the right shoulder muscle just above the collarbone
d.    hollow between the left breast muscle and the left shoulder muscle just below the collarbone
e.    hollow between the right breast muscle and the right shoulder muscle just below the collarbone

72.    One way of chelating mercury out of the body is with the amino acids ___.
a.    methionine and cysteine
b.    arginine and cysteine
c.    lysine and arginine
d.    taurine and arginine
e.    tyrosine and methionine

73.    According to the author, what herb is helpful for emphysema, diabetes, whooping cough and breast problems?
a.    burdock
b.    shepherd's purse
c.    alfalfa
d.    marshmallow
e.    essiac

74.    Which of the following is considered a night shade vegetable?
a.    potatoes
b.    eggplant
c.    peppers
d.    tomatoes
e.    all of the above

75.    Which of the following amino acids assures adequate absorption of the mineral calcium, thereby promoting bone growth?
a.    phenylalanine
b.    arginine
c.    lysine
d.    taurine
e.    carnitine

76.    A grand mal seizure causes a person to temporarily blank out for a second or more.
a.    true
b.    false

77.    Which MRT is located at the hollow of the neck by the joint of the clavicles; about 2” below the Adam's apple on the neck?
a.    liver
b.    thymus gland
c.    DNA
d.    lecithin
e.    RNA

78.    Excessive magnesium has been known to cause over-calcification of the bone joints and kidney tissue.
a.    true
b.    false

79.    Which food source is high in sodium?
a.    watercress
b.    olives
c.    kelp
d.    potatoes
e.    both B & C

80.    If a person has ingested too much iron, a headache will occur on the right side of the head, halfway between the eye socket and the temple, and will disappear upon the intake of zinc.
a.    true
b.    false

81.    Which of the following can be caused by a lecithin deficiency?
a.    digestive problems
b.    nausea
c.    joint and muscle problems
d.    forgetfulness
e.    all of the above

82.    According to Dr. Lepore, what vitamin is helpful in combating swimmer's ear?
a.    vitamin K
b.    vitamin F
c.    vitamin A
d.    vitamin E
e.    vitamin D

83.    Celery juice has the highest amount of organic potassium.
a.    true
b.    false

84.    Which of the following is known to whiten teeth and is an excellent gargle for sore throats?
a.    eyebright
b.    catnip
c.    lavender oil
d.    myrrh
e.    chamomile

85.    Manganese, arginine, proline and vitamin B12 are antidotes to which allergy?
a.    milk
b.    yeast
c.    rice
d.    wheat
e.    fat

86.    The perfect balance between potassium and sodium is a two to one ratio.
a.    true
b.    false

87.    What herb is especially useful for esophageal and mammary cancers?
a.    wild cherry
b.    fenugreek
c.    mullein
d.    marshmallow
e.    red clover

88.    Which MRT is located 2 – 3” to the left of the adrenal point?
a.    thymus gland
b.    pancreas
c.    pituitary gland
d.    pineal gland
e.    thyroid gland

89.    Any nutrient, such as a vitamin, mineral, amino acid, herb, cell salt or homeopathic remedy which neutralizes the metabolic antagonist is called ___.
a.    an allergy
b.    a chelated mineral
c.    a nutritional antidote
d.    an elemental antidote
e.    a metabolic antagonist

90.    ___ is/are present in all of the body's cells.
a.    Amino acids
b.    Enzymes
c.    Sulfur
d.    Cell Salts
e.    Vitamin A

91.    Manganese is helpful in correcting ___.
a.    brittle fingernails
b.    tuberculosis
c.    kidney stones
d.    high cholesterol
e.    myasthenia gravis

92.    Slippery elm, watercress, burdock and oatstraw are good sources of ___.
a.    vitamin B
b.    vitamin F
c.    vitamin E
d.    vitamin A
e.    vitamin D

93.    ___ is a mineral in its most basic form.
a.    Secondary mineral
b.    Elemental mineral
c.    Chelated mineral
d.    Antioxidant
e.    Nutritional antidote

94.    If a client's arm remains rigid when a substance is being tested, it is an allergenic.
a.    true
b.    false

95.    According to Dr. Lepore, what herb has been shown to possess antibiotic properties against several bacteria, especially against the pathogen that causes tuberculosis?
a.    garlic
b.    wild yam
c.    burdock
d.    queen of the meadow
e.    red clover

96.    Some of the beneficial effects of vitamin A are to aid digestion, help correct constipation and treat male and female infertility.
a.    true
b.    false

97.    What mineral would a person take to protect against mercury toxicity?
a.    copper
b.    phosphorus
c.    selenium
d.    molybdenum
e.    zinc

98.    Which of the following helps to strengthen the heart?
a.    carnitine and glutamine
b.    taurine and carnitine
c.    tyrosine and carnitine
d.    lysine and taurine
e.    glutamine and lysine

99.    According to the author, some things that would be helpful to a person with A.I.D.S. is the bathe daily in rich minerals, wear a magnet over the thymus gland while sleeping and wear a gold chain around the neck.
a.    true
b.    false

100.    Where is the test point for vitamin D located?
a.    hollow between the right breast muscle and the right shoulder muscle just below the collarbone
b.    right eyelid
c.    hollow between the left breast muscle and the left shoulder muscle just below the collarbone
d.    area where the leg comes into the trunk of the body or the fold where a pants crease would be
e.    left eyelid

Reference no: EM132340344

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