What is the annual revenue and business model

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131712352

Assignment: Research Essay and Presentation

Length: 3,000 words and 10-12 min.

For your final project you will write a 3,000 word (approximately 10 pages) analysis of a contemporary advertising campaign that engages with consumer-based politics, e.g., ethical/socially-conscious consumption, "feminist" products, environmental sustainability, or labor activism. You will write a research paper examining the cultural, political, economic, and historical functions of your chosen campaign. Your research paper will use and reference multiple ideas and concepts from the course readings to inform your analysis. It should have strong thesis statements, quality organization of evidence, and sound application of the theoretical concepts studied throughout the semester. Below are some example prompts of different aspects to cover in the paper.

You will also give a 10-12 minute presentation summarizing your campaign analysis. PPT and audio/visuals are often helpful, but not required.

The Campaign:

What is the name of company, brand, and/or product?
What agency/agencies created the campaign?
When did the campaign start/run?
On what media channels did/does the campaign run?
What is the key message of campaign?
Who is the target market?


How do people use the product in everyday life?
What are the cultural assumptions the campaign makes?
What kinds of emotional connections with consumers does the brand/company rely upon?
How does the brand connect to individual identity or social acceptance?


What is the annual revenue and business model?
How often to people buy it and how much does it cost?
Are there other companies with which the campaign partners?


Does the product have any causes or social issues it supports?
Has the company been the target of regulations, fines, or other federal government sanctions?
What kinds of laws have been made encouraging, limiting, or protecting the product's use?


How has the brand or campaign developed and changed over time?
Has the brand/product/company been bought and sold by other companies?
When did it start and how did it become what it is today?

Your profile must be uploaded as a .docx or .pdf format to Canvas by the deadline, correctly cited using MLA, APA, or Chicago, grammatically correct, double spaced, 1-inch margins, 12 point New Times Roman with your name, the date, and the course section number (i.e., MAC209A/B). Before uploading your file to Blackboard it must be labeled in the following manner: MAC209A/B-YourLastName-ResearchEssay.docx or .pdf.

If you have a PowerPoint for your presentation, that may also be uploaded to Canvas.

Reference no: EM131712352

Questions Cloud

Bromide anion in the solution : Suppose 0.916 g of potassium bromide is dissolved in 100.mL of a 49.0mM aqueous solution of silver nitrate. Calculate the final molarity of bromide anion.
What internship or co-op might be appropriate for you : Suppose a manager for X Corporation is having a hard time keeping employees. The company is striving to be an industry leader in consumer products and packaging
Create an appropriate graph of the given data : Marijuana 2003. In 2003 the Council of Europe published a report entitled The European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs (www.espad.org).
Calculate the final molarity of chloride anion : Calculate the final molarity of chloride anion in the solution. You can assume the volume of the solution doesn't change when the potassium chloride
What is the annual revenue and business model : What is the annual revenue and business model? How often to people buy it and how much does it cost? Are there other companies with which the campaign partners?
Discuss the sources of strength for an analytics competitor : What are the sources of strength for an analytics competitor, How can a company become and prosper as an analytics competitor
Calculate the final molarity of bromide anion : Suppose 2.08 g of iron(II) bromide is dissolved in 100.mL of a 68.0mM aqueous solution of silver nitrate. Calculate the final molarity of bromide anion
Discuss new emerging types of health care workers : What are the reasons for so many new emerging types of health care workers? After presenting a brief introduction to the topic
Assume the volume of the solution : You can assume the volume of the solution doesn't change when the barium acetate is dissolved in it.Round your answer to 1 significant digit.


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