What is the annual owning cost

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Reference no: EM132308987

Mine Planning & Scheduling Assignment -

Q1. Calculation: The expected life of a rope shovel is 16 years, after which time the mine will close and the salvage value will be effectively zero. What is the annual owning cost, including allowance for rate of return on your capital invested in the rope shovel? If the shovel works 6,000 hours per year, what is the hourly cost?

Required return on capital: 15%

Cost of rope shovel: $7,000,000

Time: 16 years

Taxation: Nil

Q2. What are strategic risks? How would you manage these risks?

Q3. Define short, medium and long term planning?

Q4. Discuss some of the factors that an engineer needs to account for when planning a mining operation.

Q5. What techniques of pit optimisation are available?

Q6. Define the following in relation to network techniques (CPM and PERT)

a) Earliest start time

b) Latest start time

c) Earliest finish time

d) Latest finish time

e) Slack

f) Float

Q7. Discuss the floating cone process.

Q8. Describe three problems with regard to the application of the floating cone technique. What are the positive aspects of the floating cone technique?

Q9. Summarise the steps in the Lerchs-Grossmann 2D algorithm.

Q10. A project is defined by the list of activities detailed in Table 1.

a) Draw the network as an activity on the arc network.

b) Find the critical path.

c) Find the slack for each activity.

Table 1



Duration days






























D, E



F, G






J, H


Q11. The network shown in the next diagram is to be used in the planning of the installation of an underground crusher station. Determine the total project time and the critical path.


Q12. Cut-off Grade

Following are the variables for choosing the "Optimum Cut-off Grade":

M = maximum amount of material that the mine can produce in any given time (mine capacity)

C = maximum amount of ore that can be put through the concentrator in any given time (mill capacity)

R = maximum amount of final product that can be produced in the given time period (production capacity)

m = mining costs, $/t of material mined c = concentrator cost, $/t of ore milled

r = smelting, refining, packaging, insurance cost, $/kg of final product

f = fixed cost

s = selling price y = recovery

T = length of production period

Qm = quantity of material to be mined

Qc =quantity of ore sent to the concentrator

Qr = amount of product actually produced over this production period

A. Using these above variables, develop the basic equations for

a) total cost, Tc

b) revenue, R

c) profit, P

B. Develop the equations for cut-off grade assuming that

a) mining rate is the governing constraint

b) concentrating rate is the governing constraint

c) refining rate is the governing constraint

Q13. Calculation: The operating costs for a Gold mine are $55/ton. The recovery at the mill is 85% and the mining dilution is 15%. The smelting and refining costs are $10/oz Au. At a Gold price of $400/oz, what is the break-even cut-off grade in oz Au/ton?

Need detail and step by step solution. No theory question is less than 150 words.

Verified Expert

The assignment consisted of some theory as well as some numerical problems.The theory has been given in detail.The technique used in the numerical is mentioned.

Reference no: EM132308987

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