What is the annual overall incidence of COPD

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Reference no: EM132253229

Journal article

Gershon A, Wang C, Wilton A, Raut R, To T., etc. Andrea S. Trends in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Prevalence, Incidence, and Mortality in Ontario, Canada, 1996 to 2007: A Population-Based Study. Arch Intern Med. 2010;170(6):560-565. doi:10.1001/archinternmed.2010.17.


The main purpose of this assignment is to review your understanding of the measures of disease frequency as primarily discussed in Lecture 1 and a bit more in Lecture 2. Although they are basic measures, they are important tools in the field of epidemiology.

Question 1: Disease frequency can be measured using counts, proportions or rates. Annual prevalence of COPD was reported in this paper. (6 points total)

1a. What is the annual "overall prevalence" of COPD for all-age groups in 2007? Just list the value along with any label, only if applicable. A sentence or interpretation is not requested for this question.

1b. How did the authors calculate this prevalence proportion? Briefly describe the components of the formula they used.

1c. How do you interpret this prevalence proportion? In other words, just simply report the value in a sentence the way we do on the labs and, as you do so, make sure you are using words that demonstrate your understanding of prevalence.

Question 2: Annual "incidence of COPD" was reported in the study.

2a. What is the annual "overall incidence" of COPD for the 50-64 age group in 2007? Just list the value along with any label, only if applicable. A sentence or interpretation is not requested for this question.

2b. How did the authors calculate this incidence proportion? Briefly describe the components of the formula they used.

2c. How do you interpret it? In other words, report the value in a sentence the way we do on the labs, and, as you do so, make sure you are using words that demonstrate your understanding of incidence.

Question 3: The authors used the term "incidence rate" in the paper. Is this measure, used in this paper, a true rate based on the definition of rate discussed in our class? Why or why not?

Question 4: Annual "COPD mortality" was reported by the authors in the study. (6 points total)

4a. What is the annual mortality of COPD for female, 50-64 age group in 2007? Just list the value along with any label, if applicable. A sentence or interpretation is not requested for this question. (2 point)

4b. How did the authors calculate mortality rate? Briefly describe the components of the formula they used.(2 points)

4c. How do you interpret this mortality rate? Just report the result in a sentence and, as you do so, make sure you are using words that demonstrate your understanding of mortality rate. (2 points)

Question 5: The authors used the term "mortality rate" in the paper. Even though "mortality rate" may be the correct term to use here, are mortality rates, in general, a true measure of rate based on the definition of rate as discussed in our class? Why or why not? (3 points)

Question 6: (6 points total) Carefully review the tables and figures, then briefly describe and summarize the actual temporal trends (e.g. did the prevalence of COPD increase or decrease over time?) of the overall annual COPD prevalence, incidence and mortality rate for all age groups during the study period in this study population. (IMPORTANT: Be sure to report the actual prevalence proportions, then incidence proportions and then mortality rates to support your statements about whether or not these measures of disease frequency show an increase or decrease of COPD over time.)

Question 7. Study Population (5 points total)

7a. Describe the study population in the study. Who are they? What are their characteristics? (1 point)

7b. Would it be valid if the authors generalized their results to the entire population in Canada? Why/why not? (2 points)

7c. Would it be valid if the authors generalized their results to the U.S. population? Why/why not? (2 points)

Optional extra credit questions: (4 points total; 2 points each)

Question 8: Think about how prevalence, incidence and mortality rates are related.

8a. How do you think the prevalence of COPD may have been affected by the incidence of COPD in this study?

8b. How do you think the prevalence of COPD may have been affected by the mortality rates of COPD in this study?

Reference no: EM132253229

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3/11/2019 2:30:12 AM

Homeworks& Papers/Descriptive Epidemiology Assignment. Once you submit your assignment, log back on to confirm that you successfully submitted the appropriate file. Bb maintains records of all attempts on the system and will automatically timestamp your submission. Late papers (those submitted after the deadline) will have 1.5 points deducted for each day late (including weekends), for up to three days past the due date (including weekends). After Wednesday, March 13 at 11:30pm, a 0 grade will be assigned to any unsubmitted assignment which will NOT be dropped from your overall grade to maintain fairness among your fellow classmates. Seven Required Questions (35 points total) and 1 optional extra credit question (4 Points total) Please note: You should not do any calculations yourself. Just report the results reported in the article.


3/11/2019 2:29:51 AM

The main purpose of this assignment is to review your understanding of the measures of disease frequency as primarily discussed in Lecture 1 and a bit more in Lecture 2. Although they are basic measures, they are important tools in the field of epidemiology. Please carefully read these instructions and answer all required questions. Please note that I have added one optional/extra credit section. Answer the questions using your OWN WORDS instead of copying the exact phrasing from the article. Please type your answers directly onto this sheet, under each question, and leave the questions and the point totals on the page. IMPORTANT: Nearly all of you already know this but, just to be clear, no two assignments across students should be similar. Please be sure to do your own work and review the policy on academic integrity listed on the syllabus. It is very obvious when assignments are similar between students. Changing random words does not mask it.

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