What is the affiliate marketing industry

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133139476

1. What is the Affiliate marketing industry? Name 10 major players in the affiliate marketing industry of India.

2. What are the tools of hiring you will have to use to recruit for the Affiliate Marketing industry?

3. What is headhunting? How can you use Linkedin as a tool for Headhunting?

4. What are the stages of an employee life cycle from Recruitment till Confirmation? What is the role of an HR recruiter during this process?

5. Suppose we have an expansion plan of hiring 15 candidates within 3 months and all have to be closed only by Headhunting. How will you plan your calendar and what actions you will take to meet the deadlines?

6. What is the importance of Workforce Management?

Reference no: EM133139476

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