What is tail recursion

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Reference no: EM132245775

Assignment Questions -

Question 1- If you implement a stack as an array, should the top element be the one with the lowest index, or the one with the highest index? Why?

Question 2 - What is tail recursion? Describe how to rewrite code to remove tail recursion. Why would the rewritten version be more efficient?

Question 3 - Consider the Java code below. If a single integer (int) requires 4 bytes of memory for storage then how many bytes of memory does the integer array "anArray" require for storage just before the program exits?

class ClassA {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Int[] anArray = new int[40];

anArray[0] = 0;

anArray[1] = 1;

anArray[2] = 100;

anArray[3] = 100000;

//how many bytes of memory is anArray using at this point?




Question 4 - For the given list of numbers, perform a radix sort (with base-10 arithmetic). At each step, write a sentence describing how you are reordering the data and then rewrite the list of numbers.

475 215 441 224 421 175 115 124 021 275

Question 5 - Convert the infix expression


to a postfix expression.

Question 6 - What is a pivot value and how is it used when partitioning an array?

Question 7 - What does FIFO stand for? Give an example of a FIFO data structure.

Question 8 - What are the two basic operations of the selection sort algorithm?

Question 9 - Describe the difference between the term double-ended list and the term doubly-linked list when discussing linked lists.

Question 10 - Why is it important to have a base case in a recursive method?

Question 11 - List the contents of Stack "s" after the following code is executed (assume the top of the stack is on the left):

Stack s = new Stack();







Question 12 - When you create a Node variable what is stored in that variable? E.g. what is stored in n in the following line?

Node n = new Node();

Question 13 - List the contents of "q" after the following code is executed (assume the front of the queue is on the left):

Queue q = new Queue();







Reference no: EM132245775

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