What is supply chain

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM133247124


1. An introduction which addresses the problem of Cyber and IT supply chain security. Your introduction should clearly explain what a supply chain is and why it is important to a manufacturing firm like Sifers-Grayson.

2. A section on Cyber and IT supply chain risks in which you identify and describe specific sources of cyber or IT supply chain risk which could impact Sifers-Grayson's operations and its products and services. Begin this section with an overview followed by the two required sub-sections. You should have at least 3 hardware supply chain related risks and 3 software supply chain related risks (six or more total risks).

  1. Use a sub-section to address 3 or more risks of attacks which could impact hardware components used in manufacturing robots and drones (focus on components obtained from third-parties and vendors via the hardware supply chain). You should also address the networks and computers used in the manufacturing facility (which are also obtained via the hardware supply chain).
  2. Use a sub-section to address 3 or more risks of attacks against the software supply chain (e.g. attacks against the software supply chain for software used to program and test control systems for the robots and drones produced by Sifers-Grayson).

3. A section on best practices for reducing risks in the Cyber and IT supply chain. In this section you must identify and discuss 5 or more best practices for managing Cyber and IT supply chain risks in a manufacturing industry. You must also provide an evaluation of the expected benefits from implementing each of these practices.

4. A summary and conclusions section. An overall picture of the supply chain risk problem in the manufacturing industry and best practices for managing Cyber and IT supply chain risks.

5. Include references.

Reference no: EM133247124

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