What is statistical multiplexing

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM132411338

Assignment - Wide Area Networks

Review Questions -

1. What are WANs?

2. Why can't we use broadcast on WANs as is done on LANs?

3. Why is Ethernet unsuitable as a WAN technology?

4. What are some similarities between the interstate system and WANs?

5. What are some similarities between neighborhood roads and LANs?

6. What are the main categories of WANs?

7. How is the phone network used as a wide-area computer-networking technology?

8. What are T-carriers?

9. What are the common data rates of T-carriers?

10. What are DS signals?

11. T-carriers are used to create a full mesh network with five nodes. How many links will be required?

12. What are the limitations of point-to-point WANs such as T-carriers?

13. What is statistical multiplexing?

14. How is statistical multiplexing useful in WANs?

15. How does statistical multiplexing reduce burstiness of traffic in the physical medium?

16. What are virtual circuits?

17. What is a circuit? How is a virtual circuit like a circuit? How is a virtual circuit different from a circuit?

18. Why are IP addresses not used for addressing within virtual circuits?

19. What is X.25? What are some salient features of the technology?

20. What is Frame Relay? What are some salient features of the technology?

21. What is ATM? What are some salient features of the technology?

22. What is time-division multiplexing? How is TDM useful in WANs?

23. What are some standard data rates of SONET, the popular TDM WAN technology?

24. What is frequency-division multiplexing (FDM)? How is FDM used in WANs?

25. Describe how WANs may be considered a data-link- layer technology.

Hands-on exercise -

1. Add a screenshot similar to the figure, showing the page and the network tab of inspect elements.

2. What are some of the slowest elements on the website?

3. What in your opinion, are causing these elements to take time to load?

4. You will see that many elements are loaded "from cache". What is the cache on the browser? How is it useful?

Critical thinking exercise -

1. If you do not have a LinkedIn profile, please create one. What is its URL? (it is assumed that you are not averse to creating a LinkedIn Profile)

2. Distance in social networks can be measured in various ways - how often you meet someone, how different is someone's social circle compared to yours etc. In keeping with the theme of this chapter of large distances, what are some of your farthest connections? (it is a good idea to maintain privacy, you may report these connections in abstract terms, e.g. "an expert at a client firm I worked with on a project", or "a childhood friend who has relocated to a different continent" etc)

3. In your estimate, what fraction of your LinkedIn network is a "wide area network," i.e. composed of weak ties?

4. What are some ways your LinkedIn profile and network can help you? (a web search should be very useful)

IT infrastructure design exercise -

1. WAN links are typically shown using straight lines connecting the two endpoints. Different thicknesses or colors are used to show different data rates. Assume that the company uses the following three WAN links to connect the four locations - US-Singapore, US-Amsterdam, and Amsterdam-Mumbai. The data rate on the US-Amsterdam link is 100 Mbps to accommodate the data backup traffic. All other links are 10- Mbps links. Update the network diagram from Chapter 9 to include these WAN links.

2. Of the WAN technologies covered in this chapter - dial-up, T-carriers, X.25, Frame Relay, ATM, and SONET, which technology is best suited to meet TrendyWidgets's WAN needs?

3. After the network outage following the Middle East cable ruptures, TrendyWidgets has decided to also maintain a backup WAN capability using ISDN. Include this backup capability in your network diagram.

Example case questions -

1. Identify three advantages and three disadvantages of UAVs compared to combat aircraft.

2. Read the Wikipedia article on the MQ-1 Predator and write a one-paragraph description of the evolution of the aircraft.

3. View the YouTube video on Predators - Skygrabber Intercepts Predator Drone Intelligence (about 11 minutes). Identify as many satellite-based data-communication applications as possible that are used by Predators and their operators.

4. How did the military come to know that Predator feeds were being captured by militants? (Use online sources if necessary.)

5. Information about SkyGrabber is available at www.skygrabber.com/en/skygrabber.php. Briefly, in one paragraph, describe how SkyGrabber works. What is the intended use of SkyGrabber?

6. Technology developments can have unintended consequences. Some analysts have speculated that UAVs and satellite-based global data networks could make war more likely because the risks to soldiers' lives are reduced. What is your opinion about this assessment?

Reference no: EM132411338

Questions Cloud

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Should us airways build training center at given location : A developer recently offered US Airways $2.5 million for the land. Should US Airways build the training center at this location? (Chapter 8 pg. 302 Exercise 1).
What are issues brought up by companies during partnership : What is the kind of this partnership and what are its main reasons? What are the issues brought up by the companies during partnership?
How do the practices impact consumers and the economy : How do these practices impact consumers, businesses (other than banks), and the economy. Give both a short run and long run answer.
What is statistical multiplexing : What are some similarities between neighborhood roads and LANs? What is statistical multiplexing? How is statistical multiplexing useful in WANs
What percentage of the population has been diagnosed : What percentage of the population has been diagnosed with this condition? What education can be provided to remove the stigma(s)?
Describe the growth you observed within your mentee : Describe the growth you observed within your mentee. Your mentee improve both personally, professionally, and toward to achievement of the mentee's goals?
Compute mean of the sample means and standard deviation : Compare of means and standard deviations of the data from with the four sequences - Calculate the inclusion probabilities using the S82 variable
Do you think the label was used inappropriately : Find a study published in a nursing journal in 2010 or earlier that is described a s a pilot study. Do you think the study really is a pilot study.


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