What is spatial data mining

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM133330825


What is spatial data mining (space time cube analysis)? Assume you have housing data for California. Utilize the following concepts to develop your response (space time neighbors, emerging hot spot analysis, and local outlier analysis). What spatial pattern insight will this analysis provide to real estate executives trying to understand housing data.

Reference no: EM133330825

Questions Cloud

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Discuss about retirement pay : Make a PowerPoint presentation about the link below talking about retirement pay. Choose key words and research for updated information.
Define terms development impact fees-feasibility analysis : In addition, describe various examples elaborated by the speaker (Megan Quinn) in the guest speaker video posted on Canvas (Week 14-15) to explain these terms.
What is spatial data mining : What is spatial data mining (space time cube analysis)? Assume you have housing data for California. Utilize the following concepts to develop your response.
How can advertisements reflect social values : How can advertisements reflect social values? Be specific. Examine a brand you use and what it reflects.
Review article the business press : Find a current article in the business press (Wall Street Journal, Fortune, Bloomberg Businessweek, Inc., Forbes) that discusses topics from Units 1 through 3.
How this business can build an online strategy : External (SWOT- TOWS), and GAP evaluation of the assigned business (Rethink YearBooks.com ) to figure out how this business can build an online strategy.
Why do firms fail in foreign entry : Why do firms fail in foreign entry (international and domestic) can you give an example of an international firm and domestic firm is north america.


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