What is software called that manages resources of computer

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM131079444

Question 1. The introduction of new information technology has a:

A. dampening effect on the discourse of business ethics.

B. ripple effect raising new ethical, social, and political issues.

C. beneficial effect for society as a whole, while raising dilemmas for consumers.

D. waterfall effect in raising ever more complex ethical issues.

Question 2. A colleague of yours frequently takes for his own personal use small amounts of office supplies, noting that the loss to the company is minimal. You counter that if everyone were to take the office supplies, the loss would no longer be minimal. Your rationale expresses which historical ethical principle?

A. Kant's Categorical Imperative

B. The Golden Rule

C. The Risk Aversion Principle

D. The "No free lunch" rule

Question 3. A classic ethical dilemma is the hypothetical case of a man stealing from a grocery store in order to feed his starving family. If you used the Utilitarian Principle to evaluate this situation, you might argue that stealing the food is:

A. acceptable, because the grocer suffers the least harm.

B. acceptable, because the higher value is the survival of the family.

C. wrong, because the man would not want the grocery to steal from him.

D. wrong, because if everyone were to do this, the concept of personal property is defeated.

Question 4. The ethical "no free lunch" rule states that:

A. if an action cannot be taken repeatedly, then it is not right to be taken at any time.

B. one should take the action that produces the least harm or incurs the least cost.

C. one can put values in rank order and understand the consequences of various courses of action.

D. everything is owned by someone else, and that the creator wants compensation for this work.

Question 5. Which U.S. act restricts the information the federal government can collect and regulates what they can do with the information?

A. Privacy Act of 1974

B. Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999

C. Freedom of Information Act

D. HIPAA of 1996

Question 6. FIP principles are based on the notion of the:

A. accountability of the record holder.

B. responsibility of the record holder.

C. mutuality of interest between the record holder and the individual.

D. privacy of the individual.

Question 7. The Federal Trade Commission FIP principle of Notice/Awareness states that:

A. customers must be allowed to choose how their information will be used for secondary purposes other than the supporting transaction.

B. data collectors must take responsible steps to assure that consumer information is accurate and secure from unauthorized use.

C. there is a mechanism in place to enforce FIP principles.

D. Web sites must disclose their information practices before collecting data.

Question 8. Which of the following U.S. laws gives patients access to personal medical records and the right to authorize how this information can be used or disclosed?


B. Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act

C. Privacy Protection Act

D. Freedom of Information Act

Question 9. European privacy protection is __________ than in the United States.

A. less far-reaching

B. less liable to laws

C. much less stringent

D. much more stringent

Question 10. The "do anything anywhere" computing environment can:

A. make work environments much more pleasant.

B. create economies of efficiency.

C. centralize power at corporate headquarters.

D. blur the traditional boundaries between work and family time.

Question 11. Today's nanotechnology-produced computer transistors are roughly equivalent in size to:

A. the width of a fingernail.

B. a human hair.

C. a virus.

D. an atom.

Question 12. Specifications that establish the compatibility of products and the ability to communicate in a network are called:

A. network standards.

B. telecommunications standards.

C. technology standards.

D. Internet standards.

Question 13. __________ unleash powerful economies of scale and result in declines in manufactured computer products.

A. Internet and web technologies

B. Technology standards

C. Linux and open-source software

D. Client/server technologies

Question 14. Software that manages the resources of the computer is called:

A. operating system software.

B. application software.

C. data management software.

D. network software.

Question 15. A SAN is a __________ network.

A. server area

B. storage area

C. scalable architecture

D. service-oriented architecture

Question 16. As referred to in the text, legacy systems are:

A. traditional mainframe-based business information systems.

B. electronic spreadsheets used on a PC.

C. any pre-1990 Wintel systems.

D. systems found on older ASPs.

Question 17. Legacy systems are still used because they:

A. can only be run on the older mainframe computers.

B. are too expensive to redesign.

C. integrate well using new Web services technologies.

D. contain valuable data that would be lost during redesign.

Question 18. Software applications that are based on combining different online software applications are called:

A. integrated software.

B. Ajax.

C. mashups.

D. virtual software.

Question 19. The practice of contracting custom software development to an outside firm is commonly referred to as:

A. outsourcing.

B. scaling.

C. service-oriented architecture.

D. application integration.

Question 20. Which of the following refers to the ability of a computer, product, or system to expand to serve a larger number of users without breaking down?

A. Modality

B. Scalability

C. Expandability

D. Disintermediation

Reference no: EM131079444

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