Reference no: EM132484575
Smith's utility function is U(x1, x2) = x1 + ln x2
x1 - stamps x2 - beer
Smith's budget: p1 x1 + p2 x2 = m
p1 - price of stamps p2 - price of beer m - Smith's budget
a) What is Smith's demand for beer and stamps?
b) Is it true that Smith would spend every Taka in additional income on stamps?
c) What happens to demand when Smith's income changes (i.e. find the income elasticity)?
d) What happens to demand when p1 and p2 increase (i.e. find the price elasticities)?
[Hint: For a) Given prices, p1 and p2, find the quantities x1 and x2 which maximise Smith's utility!
Necessary condition: MRS= MU1/MU2; Find MRS; Optimum occurs when x2= p1/p2, Using x2, Find x1 from the given budget line