What is simulated annealing

Assignment Help Simulation in MATLAB
Reference no: EM131708423

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Section A

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1. What is simulated annealing? How does it help search overcome the problem of local optima? Express In Your Own Words - A Maximum of 250 Words. Give the word count.

2. Describe tabu search. What are the different forms of tabu search and how do they help search avoid the problem of local optima. Express in your own words - A maximum of 500 words. Give the word count.

3. Implement a hill climber and simulated annealing and conduct experiments to compare the performance of them, using multiple random starting points for the hill climber. Conduct your experiment by implementing (at least) 2 of the De Jong Function set (F1-F5). Bear in mind the time overhead of simulated annealing and also the fact that simulated annealing is a stochastic process.

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It is an assignment about Artificial Intelligence where Simulated annealing, tabu search etc. are mentioned. The standard flow chart, algorithm, equation and corresponding. Compare the performance of them, using multiple random starting points for the hill climber. Conduct your experiment by implementing (at least) 2 of the De Jong Function set (F1-F5). Bear in mind the time overhead of simulated annealing and also the fact that simulated annealing is a stochastic process.

Reference no: EM131708423

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11/13/2017 4:59:35 AM

it needs not to be copied from any sources and also the 3rd question is a programming one - no a text based question. It has to have a hill climber and simulated annealing and conduct experiments. And have you made corrections to 1 and 2. It has all been copied from sources on the internet


11/6/2017 2:43:00 AM

IN3044 Artificial Intelligence Coursework - Bear in mind the time overhead of simulated annealing and also the fact that simulated annealing is a stochastic process. Conduct your experiment by implementing (at least) 2 of the De Jong Function

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