Reference no: EM132760709
Questions -
Q1. Cougar Co. issued 8,000 ordinary shares with P200 par value and 20,000 preference shares with P200 par value for a total consideration of P7,500,000. At the date of issue, the ordinary share was selling for P360 and the preference share was selling for P270. What is the share premium from the issuance of ordinary shares?
Q2. HP co. reported the following equity accounts on January 1, 2020. Share capital, P20 par, P8,000,000; Share premium, P2,750,000; Retained earnings, P1,275,000. All shares outstanding on January 1 were issued for P26 a share. On December 31, the entity reacquired 20,000 shares at P24 a share and retired them. What is the balance of the share premium? *
Q3. Eighty Eight Co. reported the following shareholders' equity at year-end: Share capital, P30 par value, P3,000,000; Share premium, P600,000; Retained earnings, P4,200,000. A 20% share dividend was declared and distributed at year-end when entity's share was selling at P65. What amount should be reported as share capital outstanding?
Q4. Power Puff Co. was organized with authorized share capital of 100,000 shares of P200,000 par value. The entity had the following transactions: a.) Issuance of 25,000 shares at P230 a share. b.) Issuance of 1,000 shares for legal services when the fair value was P250 a share. c.) Issuance of 5,000 shares for a tract of land when the fair value was P265 a share.
What are the current leading causes of death for each model
: After reviewing the resources in the course materials, write a 750-1,000-word paper analyzing the biopsychosocial and the biomedical models of health.
What are viruses called that target bacteria
: What are viruses called that target bacteria
How do record depreciation up to the date of the sale
: Record the journal entry for the purchase. On March 31, 2018, Hillman sold the floor steam cleaner. Record depreciation up to the date of the sale.
Explain what the medication is used
: Research a medication that has a side effect that interferes with any one of them: endocrine system, reproductive system, or excretory system.
What is share premium from the issuance of ordinary shares
: At the date of issue, the ordinary share was selling for P360 and the preference share was selling for P270. What is the share premium
Calculate the prediction error for the annual productivity
: Calculate the prediction error for the annual productivity when the absenteeism value is equal to 11 and 63days, based on the corresponding regression model
Nucleic acids were part of separate strands of dna
: Describe the orientation of two paired bases relative to each other if your nucleic acids were part of separate strands of DNA?
Discuss developmental and sociocultural factors in health
: Discuss developmental, gender, and sociocultural factors in health. Provide examples of each and identify the impact on the individual and the community.
What is the retailer effective cost of trade credit
: What is the retailer's effective cost of trade credit? A large retailer obtains merchandise under the credit terms of 1/10, net 45, but routinely takes 50 days